The Box Office is open from 14:00 till 20:00 (open for another 01:11, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Umor v bazenu La Piscine

Jacques Deray, F/I 1969 / 1969

Punčka La pivellina

Tizza Covi in Rainer Frimmel / Italy / 2009 / 100 min

The White Planet La planète blanche

Jean Lemire, Thierry Piantanida in Thierry Ragobert / France, Canada / 2006 / 86 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 8+

Fantastic Planet La planète sauvage

René Laloux / France, Slovakia, Czech Republic / 1973 / 72 min / French

Prvikrat ljubezen La Première fois

Claude Berri, F 1976 / 1976

Raining Cats and Frogs La prophétie des grenouilles

Jacques-Rémy Girerd / France / 2003 / 90 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, French / 6+

Lahkoživka La pupa

Giuseppe Orlandini, I 1963 / 1963

Heartbeat Detector La question humaine

Nicolas Klotz / France / 2007 / 141 min / French

The Quietude La quietud

Pablo Trapero / Argentina / 2018 / 117 min / Spanish

The film by Argentinean director Pablo Trapero (The Clan) had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival.

Anger La rabia

Albertina Carri / Argentina, Netherlands / 2008 / 85 min / Spanish

Beneško dekle La ragazza di Venezia

Romolo Marcellini, I/E 1940 / 1940

Deklina La ragazzola

Giuseppe Orlandini, I 1965 / 1965

The Price of Fame La rançon de la gloire

Xavier Beauvois / France, Switzerland, Belgium / 2014 / 114 min / French

Upor obešencev La rebelión de los colgados

Alfredo B. Crevenna, MEX 1954 / 1954

Kraljica Margot La Reine Margot

Patrice Chereau, F 1994 / 1994

The Breach La Rupture

Claude Chabrol / France, Italy, Belgium / 1970

Šola za bojazljivce La scuola del timidi

Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, I 1941 / 1941

Žeja La sed

Lucas Demare, E/AR 1961 / 1961

Zapeljevanje La seduzione

Fernando di Leo, I 1973 / 1973

Sodba La Sentence

Jean Val?re, F 1959 / 1959