Film archive
Funny Like a Clown Za smejat smešni
različni avtorji / various / 63 min
Fear not, there’s nothing to this program. This is a gift to you, me, all of us after experiencing a few years (and more) of utter fucking chaos. So for an hour or so, put aside thoughts of covid, war, environmental crisis, nuclear war, tax evading billionaire psychopaths and just sit back and laugh your asses off. – Chris Robinson
The Last Ice Hunters Zadnji ledeni lovci
Jure Breceljnik, Rožle Bregar / Slovenia / 2017 / 72 min / English, Danish / 15+
The documentary feature film explores the 4000 year old tradition of Inuit hunters in eastern Greenland, whose unique culture in an unforgiving natural environment is today threatened with extinction.
Skrivnostni deček Zagonetni dječak
Dražen Žarković / Croatia / 2013 / 88 min / Slovene subtitles, Croatian / 9+
Snatched from the Source Zajeti v izviru – Slovenski otroci Lebensborna
Maja Weiss / Slovenia / 2023 / 79 min
Maja Weiss’s documentary tells the stories of four stolen children, the last remaining Slovenian victims of the Nazi Lebensborn programme.
Closing Awards Ceremony Animateka 2015 Zaključek festivala Animateka 2015 s podelitvijo nagrad
razno / various / 25 min