The Box Office is open from 17:40 till 21:30 (will open in 11:06).

The Master The Master

Paul Thomas Anderson / USA / 2012 / 137 min / English

Gospodar Ballantrea The Master of Ballantrae

William Keighley, USA 1953 / 1953

Gospodar v tuji hiši Herr im Haus

Heinz Helbig / Germany / 1940

The Eagle Huntress The Eagle Huntress

Otto Bell / United Kingdom, Mongolia / 2016 / 87 min / Slovene subtitles, Kazakh / 8+

Gospodična - gospa Fräulein Frau

Hans Theyer / Austria / 1923

Gospodična doktor Mademoiselle Docteur

Georg Wilhelm Pabst / France / 1936

Gospodična Julija Fräulein Julie

Felix Basch, GER 1922 / 1922

Miss Marx Miss Marx

Susanna Nicchiarelli / Italy, Belgium / 2020 / 107 min / English

Miss Impossible Jamais contente

Emilie Deleuze / France / 2016 / 90 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 11+

The Housemaid Hanyo

Im Sang-soo / 2010 / 107 min / Korean

Potiche Potiche

François Ozon / France / 2010 / 103 min / French

His Master's Voice Az Úr hangja

György Pálfi / Hungary, Sweden, Canada, USA, France / 2018 / 108 min / English, Hungarian

Acclaimed Hungarian director György Pálfi (Taxidermia) drew inspiration for his dystopic tale about a family’s dark history from Stanislav Lem’s iconic novel of the same name.

Hospitalité Hospitalité

Koji Fukada / Japan / 2010 / 96 min / Japanese