The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 20:40 (will open in 05:00).

Cinemini Cartoons Cinemini risanke

razno / 51 min / 4+

A programme of animated shorts from Cinemini Europe project. No dialogues.

Cinemini: Abracadabra Cinemini: Abrakadabra

razno / various / 2020 / 16 min / No dialogue / 3+

Film is magic: wishes overcome reality, the world moves in the opposite direction, the impossible is possible, buttons and marbles come to life and go for a walk. Come and do magic with us.

Cinemini: Doodles Cinemini: Čičke račke

razno / various / 2020 / 20 min / No dialogue / 3+

Lines, dots and smudges come to life and naughtily walk around a kaleidoscope of film forms, music and feelings. Quickly grab hold of some coloured pencils, Indian ink, chalks and scissors – let’s make doodles ourselves.

Cinemini: Let's Play! Cinemini: Igramo se

razno / 2021 / 29 min / No dialogue / 3+

A programme of carefully selected short films from European film archives with guided conversations. The Cinemini European project brings a playful film programme, ranging from tiny stories from the time of our grandparents to interesting films by contemporary artists.

Cinemini: Secret Life Cinemini: Skrivno življenje

razno / 28 min / 4+

Programme of short films from a project Cinemini Europe. For children age 4+.

Cinemini: Time Machine Cinemini: Časovni stroj

razno / various / 2020 / 26 min / No dialogue / 3+

A cinema is a magical time machine – let’s quickly jump on it. The train takes us to the time of cinema’s birth and drops us off in a burlesque with an impish wheel. We curiously observe our parents’ games and make friends with a little alien. Quickly, come play with us, for we’re in a rush.

Cinemini: Twist and Turn Cinemini: Zasukaj in obrni

razno / 2021 / 28 min / No dialogue / 3+

A programme of carefully selected short films from European film archives with guided conversations. The Cinemini European project brings a playful film programme, ranging from tiny stories from the time of our grandparents to interesting films by contemporary artists.

Cinemini: We Fly, We Fly Cinemini: Letimo, letimo

razno / various / 2020 / 31 min / No dialogue / 3+

Let’s go up to the clouds. What if mum was an airplane? And what if a little alien landed in our garden? With paper dragons, we fly to Jordan, talk on the phone with birds and, at the end, fly under the sea.

Cinemini: Who’s There? Cinemini: Kdo trka?

razno / various / 2020 / 27 min / No dialogue / 3+

Ears, welcome to the cinema! Do not forget them. What do films look like if we cover our ears? And what do they sound like if we close our eyes? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sound, round as a button.

Circleen, Coco and the wild rhinoceros Cirkeline, Coco og det vilde næsehorn

Jannik Hastrup / Denmark / 2018 / 64 min / Dubbed / 4+

A film about big and little, the teeny and titanic.

Circles Krugovi

Srdan Golubović / Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, Croatia / 2013 / 112 min

Citizen Havel Občan Havel

Miroslav Janek in Pavel Koutecký / Czech Republic / 2008 / 120 min / Czech

Citizen Kane Citizen Kane

Orson Welles / USA / 1941 / 119 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 16+

Citizenfour Citizenfour

Laura Poitras / USA / 2014 / 114 min / English

City Lights City Lights

Charles Chaplin / USA / 1931

City of Light Mesto svetlobe

Marko Kumer Murč, Nina Cijan / Slovenia / 2017 / 68 min / Slovene

This poetic and deeply personal documentary is a gentle love story between the residents of Šoštanj and their fading town.

Claire's Camera La caméra de Claire

Hong Sang-soo / South Korea, France / 2017 / 70 min / English, French, Korean

Featuring Isabelle Huppert and Kim Min-hee, the conversational vignette was shot on the less glamorous beaches and backstreets of Cannes.

Clash Eshtebak

Mohamed Diab / Egypt / 2016 / 97 min

Initially a film about the rise of the Egyptian revolution, Clash ended up being a record of its fall. Cairo, summer of 2013 – two years after the Egyptian revolution.

Class Enemy Razredni sovražnik

Rok Biček / Slovenia / 2013 / 112 min / Slovene / 15+

When their beloved soft-hearted teacher goes on maternity leave and is replaced by the authoritarian German language instructor Robert, the mood in the classroom abruptly sours. When a pupil commits suicide soon after having been snubbed by him, her classmates accuse the teacher of being responsible for her death, and a student revolt erupts.

Cleopatra Cleopatra

Joseph L. Mankiewicz / USA / 1963

Climax Climax

Gaspar Noé / France / 2018 / 96 min / English, French

An ecstatic and hypnotic story of a party that spins out into a delirious nightmare.

Climber’s High Kuraimâzu hai

Masato Harada / Japan / 2008 / 145 min / Japanese

Clip Klip

Maja Miloš / Serbia / 2012 / 102 min / Serbian

Close Close

Lukas Dhont / Belgium, Netherlands, France / 2022 / 105 min / Dutch, Flemish, French

After his hit debut feature Girl, Belgian-born director Lukas Dhont returns with a sensitive, heart-breaking tale of friendship between two adolescent boys, a film about “the loss of tenderness in a world of toxic masculinity”.

Close Your Eyes Cerrar los ojos

Víctor Erice / Spain, Argentina / 2023 / 169 min / Spanish

A film within a film and a deeply searching, masterfully told story of an actor’s disappearance that pays tribute to the history of film as an art form.