The Box Office is open from 17:30 till 21:30 (closed for today).

Women Without Men Zanan-e bedun-e mardan

Shirin Neshat in Shoja Azari / Germany, Austria, France / 2009 / 99 min / Persian

Service Entrance Les femmes du 6ème étage

Philippe Le Guay / France / 2010 / 106 min

Ženske so nevarne Les Femmes s'en balancent

Bernard Borderie, F 1953 / 1953

Ženske vladajo Weiberregiment

Karl Ritter, GER 1936 / 1936

Ženske vladajo La matriarca

Pasquale Festa Campanile, I 1969 / 1969

Ženski konvoj Convoi de femmes

Pierre Chevalier, F/USA 1977 / 1977

Ženski raj Das Frauenparadies

Arthur Maria Rabenalt / Austria, Germany / 1936

#Female Pleasure #Female Pleasure

Barbara Miller / Switzerland, Germany / 2018 / 97 min / English, Japanese, German

Female Pleasure portrays five courageous, smart and self-determined women, breaking the silence imposed by their archaic-patriarchal societies and religious communities. With incredible strength and positive energy, these women are fighting for sexual liberation and autonomy for women, beyond religious rules and cultural barriers.

Žepni ljubimec L'Amant de poche

Bernard Queysanne, F 1978 / 1978

Žid Süss Jud Süß

Veit Harlan, GER 1940 / 1940

Scarface Scarface

Howard Hawks / USA / 1932

The Docks of New York The Docks of New York

Josef von Sternberg / USA / 1928

Zarafa Zarafa

Rémi Bezançon, Jean-Christophe Lie / France, Belgium / 2011 / 78 min / live dubbing / 5+