The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 20:50 (open for another 02:48, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Stari zakon Das alte Gesetz

Ewald André Dupont, GER 1923 / 1923

A.B.C. Ljubezni Das Einmaleins der Liebe

Carl Hoffmann / Germany / 1935

Ženski raj Das Frauenparadies

Arthur Maria Rabenalt / Austria, Germany / 1936

A Voluntary Year Das freiwillige Jahr

Ulrich Köhler, Henner Winckler / Germany / 2019 / 86 min

This family drama tells the story of a father who falls victim to his own unrealised dreams and refuses to accept the fact that he no longer has control of his adolescent daughter’s life.

Javna hiša Das Freudenhaus

Alfred Weidenmann, ZRN 1971 / 1971

Knez črnih gora Das Fürstenkind

Jacob Fleck, Luise Fleck, GER 1927 / 1927

Ubijalec iz Temze Das Gasthaus an der Themse

Alfred Vohrer, ZRN 1962 / 1962

Zlato tele Das goldene Kalb

Peter Paul Felner, GER 1925 / 1925

Velika igra Das große Spiel

Robert A. Stemmle, GER 1941 / 1941

Poročna noč (Svadbeno gnezdo) Das Heiratsnest

Rudolf Walther-Fein, GER 1927 / 1927

The Heart of Jenin Das Herz von Jenin

Leon Geller in Marcus Vetter / Germany / 2008 / 89 min / English, Arabic, Hebrew

Koncert na dvoru Das Hofkonzert

Douglas Sirk, GER 1936 / 1936

Indijski nagrobni spomenik Das indische Grabmal

Richard Eichberg / Germany / 1938

The Tomb of Love Das indische Grabmal

Fritz Lang / Germany / 1959

The Congo Tribunal Das Kongo Tribunal

Milo Rau / Germany, Switzerland / 2017 / 100 min / English, French, German, Swahili

The Teachers' Lounge Das Lehrerzimmer

Ilker Çatak / Germany / 2023 / 99 min / German

Pesem solnca Das Lied der Sonne

Max Neufeld / Italy / 1933

Ljubezenski hotel na Tirolskem Das Love-Hotel in Tirol

Franz Antel (=Francois Legrand), ZRN 1978 / 1978