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Animateka 2009

Stop-motion retrospektiva III: Klasiki 1 Stop-motion retrospektiva III: Klasiki 1



Heino Pars (Nukufilm OÜ) SSSR (Estonija)/USSR (Estonia), 1972, Beta SP (35mm), 8′

Štiri kratke komične zgodbe, katerih protagonisti so navadni žeblji. Odnosi med žeblji satirično komentirajo človekove številne preokupacije.

Four short comical tales with regular nails as main characters. Several human strains get ridiculed through the relations between nails.


Co Hoedeman (NFB Canada) Kanada/Canada, 1977, digiBeta (35mm), 13’17”

Kratki animirani film o peščenem možu in malih bitjih, ki jih ustvarja iz peska. Skupaj postavijo grad, njihovo praznovanje ob postavitvi novega doma pa zmoti nepovabljen gost. Domiselno sestavljen film prepušča gledalcu svobodno interpretacijo. Dobitnik oskarja 1977.

A short animated film about the sandman and the creatures he sculpts out of sand. They build a castle and celebrate the completion of their new home, only to be interrupted by an uninvited guest. Cleverly constructed, the film leaves interpretation open to the viewer. Oscar winner 1977.


Stephen & Timothy Quay (Koninck Studios) VB/UK, 1990, 35mm, 17′

Pravljična mini drama je posvetilo pisatelju Robertu Walserju. Nemirni spanec speče lepotice vznemirja prisotnost nečesa zlega in viteški pohod kneziča, ki prispe na rob jesenskega gozda.

A fairytale dramalette in homage to the writings of Robert Walser. The restless sleep of a sleeping beauty is agitated by an evil presence and by the parallel quest of a princeling who arrives at the edge of an autumnal forest.


David Anderson (Redwing Production) VB/UK, 1990, 35mm, 6′

Film se ukvarja s človekovo silovito in nepopustljivo radovednostjo ter posledicami dejstva, da gre vedno korak predaleč. Preiskuje našo sposobnost, da si pred temi posledicami zatisnemo oči. Film kombinira tehnike animacije, piksilacije, animacije fotografij in kserografije.

Door concerns man’s relentless and impetuous curiosity and the results of his actions when he takes one step too far. It examines our ability to shut our eyes to what those results are, or may yet be. The film employs a mix of animation, pixillation in outdoor locations, animation of photographic images and xerography.


Peter Lord (Aardman Animations) VB/UK, 1992, digiBeta (35mm), 6′

Šestminutno brskanje po tistih detajlih mita o stvaritvi, ki jih svetopisemska Geneza ni upala obelodaniti!

A six minute romp through the bits of the Creation Myth the Book of Genesis dared not print!

©Aardman Animations Ltd 2008


Tyron Montgomery (Thomas Stellmach Production) Nemčija/Germany, 1996, 35mm, 11’30”

V iskanju vode peščena lutka zapusti svet peska in za zvokom vodnih kapelj odtava skozi svetove iz papirja, kamna in železa. Nazadnje ji le uspe priti do vode … tam pa jo čaka tragičen konec.

In a quest for water a sand puppet leaves the sand world in which it lives. It wanderes through other worlds made of paper, stone and iron, following the sound of dripping water. In the end the sand puppet manages to reach the water…in a very tragic way.


Laurent Pouvaret (Folimage Valence Production) Francija/France, 1996, 35mm, 6’30”

Ljudje se na vse pretege trudijo, da bi staro tovarno spet spravili v obratovanje. Nekega dne pa se pojavi mala zelena rastlinica, ki jim prinese same težave.

Strange people spend all their time and effort making an old factory operate. One day a little green plant arrives and trouble starts.


Barry Purves (Bare Boards Productions) VB/UK, 1996, 35mm, 11’1”

Strasten pogled na odnos med Ahilom in Patroklosom je posvetilo grški dramatiki in umetnosti.

A passionate look at the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, set in an homage to Greek drama and art.

Achilles, A Bare boards production for Channel Four television 1995, still Paul Smith


Jean-Luc Gréco, Catherine Buffat (Folimage Valence Production) Francija/France, 1998, 35mm, 3’30”

Žalostna postava, ki je videti nekam izgubljeno, s pizzo v rokah vstopi v avtobus. Ko ravno hoče sesti, voznik nenadoma divje pritisne na zavoro.

A sad and lost-looking character gets on the bus with a pizza in his hands. He is at the point of sitting down when the driver violently brakes.


Pjotr Sapegin (Pravda Productions/NFB Canada) Norveška, Kanada/Norway, Canada, 2001, 35mm, 10’45”

Animirani kratkometražec po navdihu Puccinijeve opere Madame Butterfly. Lutka Butterfly živi na osamljenem otoku, dokler ji nekega dne ladja ne pripelje postavnega mornarja Pinkertona. Strastno se zaljubita, nato pa Pinkerton odide. Madam Butterfly rodi otroka in čaka na vrnitev svojega mornarja.

An animated short inspired by Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly. The puppet Butterfly lives alone on an island, until a white ship brings the handsome sailor Pinkerton along. Their love affair grows until Pinkerton has to leave with his ship. The Butterfly gives birth and waits for her sailor to return.


Paul Bush (Ancient Mariner Production) VB/UK, 2004, 35mm, 5′

V filmu se pojavi več kot 3000 žuželk, vsaka le v eni sličici. Med spreminjanjem barv njihovih teles in kril se zdi, kot bi se v nekaj minutah odvil genetski program milijonov let. Ta divja stvaritev se upira razlagam evolucionizma in kreativizma. Kot halucinacija iz Darwinovih sanj.

More than 3000 insects appear in this film each for a single frame. As the colours glow and change across their bodies and wings it seems that a genetic program of millions of years is taking place in a few minutes. It is a rampant creation that seems to defy the explanations of evolutionists and fundamentalists. Like a mescalin vision dreamt by Charles Darwin.

Klub Kinodvor

Postanite član in izkoristite naše ugodnosti! Članstvo poleg znižane cene vstopnic prinaša številne druge ugodnosti.


Queer Queer

Luca Guadagnino

ponedeljek, 10. 03. 2025 / 20:30 / Dvorana

Daniel Craig kot alter ego Williama S. Burroughsa v čutnem, z romantičnim hrepenenjem in psihedeličnimi drogami prepojenem filmu, ki ga je Luca Guadagnino (Pokliči me po svojem imenu, Izzivalci) posnel po nedokončanem, avtobiografsko navdahnjenem romanu ikoničnega beatnika.

Samota Einvera

Ninna Pálmadóttir

torek, 11. 03. 2025 / 15:00 / Dvorana

Prvenec islandske režiserke je topla, a nikoli sentimentalna zgodba o utehi, ki jo lahko prinese nepričakovano prijateljstvo.

Maria Maria

Pablo Larraín

torek, 11. 03. 2025 / 16:50 / Dvorana

Čilski režiser Pablo Larraín se po filmih o Jacqueline Kennedy (Jackie) in princesi Diani (Spencer) vrača s tretjim delom neuradne trilogije o slavnih, tragičnih ženskah 20. stoletja. Film si zamišlja zadnji teden v življenju legendarne operne dive, ko se je spopadala z vse bolj zabrisanimi mejami med čaščeno ‘La Callas’ in ranljivo, krhko Mario.