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Animateka 2009

Slon: tematski program “Jaz, moje telo in mediji” Slon: tematski program “Jaz, moje telo in mediji”

razno / 14+


Juan Pablo Zaramella (fundacion huesped & jpztudio) Argentina, 2007, Beta SP, 5’16”

Tri mladostnice in tri zgodbe, ki bodo vsaki izmed njih zaznamovale življenje. Pogovarjajmo se z mladimi o vstopu v obdobje mladostništva. Kako doživljamo svet, starše in prijatelje? Kako se počutimo v prvih intimnih druženjih s simpatijami? Izmenjajmo si zgodbe, ki jih poznamo, pogovarjajmo se o nadaljevanju zgodb treh deklet v filmu.

Three teenage girls and three stories that will mark their lives. We should talk with the young about entering adolescence: What are all the things that change? How do we perceive the world, our parents, our friends? How do we feel when we first experience intimacy? Exchange our stories, and talk about the possible endings for the stories of the three girls.


Cédric Louis, Claude Barras (Helium Films) Švica/Switzerland, 2005, 35mm, 6’50”

Pretresljiva zgodba dekleta, ki se sramuje svojega telesa in zimsko oblečena sredi vročega poletja sanja o pingvinih v daljnih, mrzlih krajih. Pogovarjajmo se o naših telesih: kakšna so, v čem se po videzu razlikujemo med sabo? Kdo je tisti, ki postavlja merila, kakšno telo je lepo in kakšno ne?

A shocking story of a girl who is ashamed of her own body, and dreams of penguins in cold, far-off places, while she is wrapped in winter clothes in the middle of a scorching summer. We can talk about our bodies: What are they like, what are the differences between them in appearance? Who sets the criteria which determine whether a body is beautiful or not?


Paul O’Flanagan (Boulder Media) Irska/Ireland, 2007, Beta SP, 5′

Duhovit film prikaže nesmisel sodobne »instant lepote«, ki jo (so)oblikujejo umetni posegi v telo. Razmišljajmo o pojmu lepote: kaj so merila in kdo jih določa? Kdo je lep človek, kakšne so njegove značilnosti? Kakšno je sporočilo filma? Je Betty, ki ni želela biti povprečna, res postala posebna po operaciji?

An amusing film that presents the unreasonable phenomenon of the modern “instant beauty”, which is (co-)created by artificial changing of the body. Think about the concept of beauty: Which criteria are used to determine it, and who specifies them? Who do we call a beautiful person, and what are their characteristics? Has Betty, who did not want to be average, really become extraordinary after the operation?


Mischa Kamp (Submarine) Nizozemska/The Netherlands, 2006, digiBeta, 6′

V drugi zgodbi se predstavi fant, ki mu povzroča preglavice pretirano potenje. Se to dogaja tudi nam? Kaj opazujemo pri sebi in pri drugih? Je to tipična moška težava ali se z njo spopadajo tudi dekleta? Kakšne so rešitve in katero je izbral junak filma?

In the second story, we see a boy who has a problem with excessive perspiration. Does that happen to us too? What do we notice on ourselves, and what on others? Is this a typical male problem, or do girls face the same one? What are the solutions, and which one of them did the hero of the film choose?


Mischa Kamp (Submarine) Nizozemska/The Netherlands, 2006, digiBeta, 6′

Iz deklice se je naenkrat razvilo mlado dekle, kar je s seboj prineslo veliko vprašanj in potrebo po novih znanjih: kako izbrati ustrezen modrček, kako se odzivati na opazke in poglede? Po ogledu vseh treh filmov zaključimo pogovor z vprašanjem: je prav, da mladi govorijo o svojih težavah? Kdo bi jih moral še posebej slišati in zakaj?

The girl has suddenly changed from a child into an adolescent girl, which brought along a series of questions and a need for new knowledge: How to pick a fitting bra, how to react to comments and looks? At the end of all three films, we can finish the talk with a question: Is it right for young people to talk about their problems? Who should be the one to listen most carefully, and why?


Mischa Kamp (Submarine) Nizozemska/The Netherlands, 2006, digiBeta, 6′

Prva iz serije osebnih in ganljivih zgodb mladostnikov, ki se z vstopom v adolescenco soočajo s številnimi telesnimi in psihološkimi spremembami. Prva zgodba govori o debelosti. Kakšen je zaključek zgodbe, sporočilo, ki ga prinaša? Prevetrimo naš odnos do ljudi, ki na videz odstopajo od »idealnih mer«, ki jih narekuje družba.

The first from the series of personal and touching stories of young people, who are confronted with physical and psychological changes when entering the adolescence. The first story talks about fatness. What is the end of the story like, and what is the moral that it brings? We should renew our attitude towards people who visually deviate from the “ideal measures” that are set by the society.


Astrid Aakra (Microfilm AS) Norveška/Norway, 2006, 35mm, 4’15’

Poetična zgodba o deklici, ki je utelešenje želja in pričakovanj svojih staršev: pridna, čista, lepa in tiha. Tako tiha, da je vrstniki sploh več ne opazijo. Pogovarjajmo se o tem, kakšna so pričakovanja naših staršev. Razumemo njihove želje? Razumejo oni naše? Kakšni smo bili kot otroci in kakšni smo zdaj, ko vstopamo v obdobje mladostništva?

A poetic story of a girl who is the embodiment of her parents’ expectations: pleasant, clean, pretty and quiet. So quiet that her peers fail to notice her. Talk about our parents’ expectations. What do they want from us? Do we understand their wishes? Do they understand ours? What were we like as children and what are we like now, when we are entering the time of adolescence?


Milena Klebanov (Bezalel Academy of Art and Design) Izrael/Israel, 2006, Beta SP, 6’4”

Bo slonica res našla srečo in prijatelje, ko jim bo podobna ter njenega videza ne bodo kazila plahutajoča ušesa in rilec? Bo takrat končno našla tudi pravo ljubezen? Film ponuja svoje odgovore, kakšni pa so naši? Kako pomemben je videz za srečo človeka? Je to, da je vsak posameznik poseben, čudovit in neponovljiv, samo prazna fraza?

Will the elephant really find friends only when she is just like them and when her appearance will not be spoiled by her flapping ears and her trunk? Will she find her true love then? The film offers its own answers, but what would we say about it? How important is the appearance for the happiness of a person? Each individual is special, brilliant and unique – is this only an empty phrase?

Klub Kinobalon

Postanite član in izkoristite naše ugodnosti! Članstvo v klubu poleg znižane cene vstopnic prinaša številne druge ugodnosti.


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