Zadnja leta so nastali številni dokumentarci o ‘stranskih likih’ Warholovega studia Factory (Joe Dallesandro, Eddie Sedgwick, Danny Williams), zdaj je prišel še dokumentarec o Candy Darling alias Jamesu Lawrenceu Slatteryju, oboževalki Kim Novak, sicer pa zvezdnici filmov Flesh in Women in Revolt, transseksualcu z Long Islanda, ki jo je Warhol odkril leta 1969, zasedel v nekaj filmih Paula Morrisseya in zavrgel tri leta pozneje. Kot tipična žrtev Warholovega ‘rotirajočega sistema’ je Candy leta 1974 doživela tragično usodo, še prej pa navdihnila mnoge like newyorške umetniško kulturne scene, od Louja Reeda, do Tennesseeja Williamsa, Cecila Beatona in Roberta Mapplethorpa.
Transsexual performer Candy Darling was special – even among the iridescent figures of New York’s subculture of the sixties and seventies. Lou Reed, Tennessee Williams, Richard Avedon, Cecil Beaton and Robert Mapplethorpe were all inspired by her, and Andy Warhol created a monument to her in Flesh. But just how did this Brooklyn boy become such a glamorous phenomenon, an underground icon of a decade still revered today in films, photographs, songs and short stories?
James Rasin – filmografija:
Beautiful Darling: The Life and Times of Candy Darling, Andy Warhol Superstar (2010)