The Box Office is open from 13:45 till 20:30 (will open in 09:27).
Kinodvor is located in the center of Ljubljana, a short walking distance from the Ljubljana Bus and Railway Stations. We are open seven days a week.

Ticket Prices

Kinodvor ProgrammeMain HallSmall Hall
Standard Price (weekdays 16:30–22:30, weekends and holidays)6,30 €4,00 €
Concessions*5,20 €3,20 €
Dvorni dan (Dvor Day, every Monday)4,00 €4,00 €
Kinodvor Club Members (information in Slovene only)3,80 €2,90 €
Screenings before 16:30 and after 22:30 on weekdays4,80 €4,00 €

Kinobalon ProgrammeMain HallSmall Hall
Standard Price (weekdays 16:30–22:30, weekends and holidays)5,20 €3,20 €
Groups (4-9 persons)5,00 €-
Kinobalon Club Members (information in Slovene only)3,00 €2,50 €
Screenings before 16:30 on weekdays4,80 €3,20 €

Other TicketsMain HallSmall Hall
3D screenings surcharge1,00 €/
Disabled Visitors (free admission for accompanying person) **2,70 €1,90 €
Special Shows and Mobile Cinema Shows2,00 € – 10,00 €

All prices include VAT. Prices valid from 17.4.2023.

* Concessions are available to children under 25 years of age, secondary school and university students, pensioners and the unemployed. To grant concession, please note that Kinodvor may ask visitors to prove their eligibility. Pensioners are required to present their pensioner card (ZPIZ), children their health insurance card, secondary school and university students their student card or relevant document, and the unemployed a valid document certifying unemployment and a valid identification card. Please note, concessions do not apply during festivals hosted by Kinodvor (Ljubljana International Film Festival, Festival of Documentary Film etc.), for Mobile Cinema screenings (Film under the Stars etc.) and special screenings.

** Disabled visitors may be asked to prove their eligibility with a relevant document, (for Slovene visitors this is an identification card issued by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs). The Main Hall is accessible to wheelchair users via a lift, however please note that there is limited access to the Small Hall. Admission for accompanying guests is free. Please note, concessions do not apply during festivals hosted by Kinodvor (Ljubljana International Film Festival, Festival of Documentary Film etc.), for Mobile Cinema screenings (Film under the Stars etc.) and special screenings.

Group Discounts

Kinodvor offers discounts for larger groups attending our regular programme.

Kinodvor Club Benefits

We encourage our most dedicated visitors to join our Kinobalon and Kinodvor Clubs (information in Slovene), to take advantage of a variety of perks and discounted tickets.


For the deaf and hard of hearing
Kinodvor’s Main Hall is equipped with a Loop System, to which hearing aids can be connected. Ask our staff to help you connect.

Wheelchair Access
Kinodvor’s café and bookshop are fully accessible to all wheelchair users. The Main Hall is accessible via a lift (max capacity 280kg), and has easy access to the Disabled WC. However, please note that there is limited access to the Small Hall, for which we are looking to find a solution.

Discounts are available to those with a government issued ID card. Admission for an accompanying guest is free. Please note that discounts are not available to festivals (Ljubljana International Film Festival, Festival of Documentary Film) or for Mobile Cinema events, such as Film Under the Stars.


13 Kolodvorska
1000 Ljubljana

How to find us

Opening Hours

Box Office: open 1 hour before the first screening
T: +386 1 239 22 17

Monday – Saturday: 09:00 – 24:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 23:00
Summer terrace (from April to November): open daily in the working hours of the café.


Tickets to our regular programme are available from the Kinodvor Box Office and online. We accept cash, cards and gift vouchers.

No reservations.

Tickets will not be available to a screening once it has begun. In the event that you are late to your screening we cannot guarantee original seat allocation.

Getting to Kinodvor

Public Transport
Bus numbers 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 25, 27 to Bavarski Dvor and bus numbers 2, 9, 12, 23, 25, 27 to Kolodvor. Plan your trip with Ljubljana Public Transport.

BicikeLJ stops are at Trg OF 12 (Ljubljana Bus Station, stop #9), at Slovenska cesta 55c (Bavarski dvor, stop #8) and at Miklošičeva cesta 30 (stop #7).

Parking is available at the Ljubljana Railway Station and at the Parking Garage on Cigaletova Street. Please note both options incur a charge. Payable parking is also available around Kinodvor.