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Quality Film Education for Children and Teens in Hospital

Quality Film Education for Children and Teens in Hospital

In the new school year, Kinodvor will enable children and teens being treated in hospitals access to a colourful film world via the Film in Hospital internet platform, which is part of an international project.

The internet platform offers a carefully selected collection of quality films of various lengths, forms and genres for different age groups, some of which are accompanied by additional playful activities for children and materials for parents and pedagogical workers. We equipped the hospital wards and playrooms with Kinobalon Suitcases, full of various optical toys. The project thus enables one of the most vulnerable groups of children and teens access to quality film content.

The first impressions of kindergarten and primary school professionals are exceptionally positive since the platform brings precious relief to the hospital everyday and at the same time provides relaxation when children and teens have difficulty engaging in the schooling process due to their health condition.

The children and teens at the Division of Paediatrics – University Medical Centre Ljubljana, the University Rehabilitation Institute of the Republic of Slovenia – Soča and the Adolescent Psychiatry Unit at the University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana already have access to film content with a free code and the support of the professionals from the hospital classes of the Vodmat Kindergarten and the Ledina Primary School.

The Slovenian version of the international internet platform is the first result of Kinodvor’s cooperation in the Film in Hospital international project, which was financially supported by the EU. In cooperation with numerous partners and supporters, Kinodvor will continue the project in the future. With partners from five European countries – JEF (Belgium), Djeca susreću umjetnost (Croatia), Il Nuovo Fantarca (Italy), Packmagic (Spain) and BUFF Malmö Film Festival (Sweden) – we have already successfully applied to the latest audience development and film education call of the EU and received the funds to continue the project. In the next two years, we will further develop the content of the project and expand it. Kinodvor will remain the national coordinator of the project, in which we plan to research good practice examples and develop the guidelines for film and cultural education for children and teens in hospitals.

The content of the platform is being created in partnership with Slovenian film producers and distributors, among them: the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, Bela film, Demiurg, Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, FIVIA-Vojnik, Igor Šinkovec, Karantanija Cinemas, Ozor, zavod za gibljive slike, Studio INVIDA, Zavod ZVVIKS. The project is co-funded by Creative Europe – MEDIA.

More on the Film in Hospital international project and platform:

Wednesday, 06. 04. 2022

Film in Hospital

International on-line platform: bringing the magic world of film to children and teens in hospitals.

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