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Next Steps in Film Education: Programme & Schedule

Programme with schedule, speakers and presentations for both days of the online regional seminar: 26 and 27 January 2021.

Programme with schedule, speakers and presentations in pdf format.

26 January
Regional meet-up: an exchange of knowledge, experience and challenges

**Morning part with presentations**

Welcome address
Mark Reid, British Film Institute (UK)
Nataša Bučar, Slovenian Film Centre (SI)
Metka Dariš, Kinodvor (SI)

Film education in the region, examples of practices and discussion
The representatives of various organisations in the region will present examples of the practices with which they have managed to preserve the continuity of film education activities during the pandemic. The presentations will emphasise the concrete measures and steps taken to ensure the quality and accessibility of their activities. Speakers:
Darko Baseski, Giffoni Macedonia Youth Film Festival (MK)
Eroll Bilibani, DokuFest International Documentary and Short Film Festival (XK)
Ivana Jakobović Alpeza, Sedmi Kontitent (HR)
Barbara Kelbl, Kinodvor (SI)

**Afternoon part with group discussions – limited number of participants**

Film education in the region, group work
The participants of the afternoon part of the seminar will be divided into five thematic groups related to the selected key challenges of film education in the region. Within the groups, the participants will share their knowledge, experiences and practices of facing and overcoming these challenges.

Feedback of each group and highlights of discussions with the wrap up of the day 

27 January
Building sustainable film education strategies and facing challenges

 **Morning part with presentations**

Ian Wall, The Film Space (UK):
Mass open Online Course – Film Education – A User’s Guide
This short presentation will look at the development of the Framework to impact project’s Mass open Online Course – Film Education – A User’s Guide – and at the related website that is currently under construction.

Steps towards film education, presentation of various strategies and discussion
A presentation of three different strategies at different development stages in three different countries with a discussion on the key elements that have an impact on the long-term development and implementation of quality film education programmes. Speakers:
Charlotte Giese, Danish Film Institute (DK)
Sanja Jovanović, Film Centre of Montenegro (ME)
Živa Jurančič, Kinodvor (SI)

**Afternoon part with group discussions – limited number of participants**

Edita Bilaver Galinec, Kids Meet Art (HR):
How to design a strategy of film education development?, a short lecture and group work
Through a short lecture and group work, the participants of the afternoon part of the seminar will focus on specific skills and competencies required to implement a long-term film education strategy. A special emphasis will be given to facing new challenges brought by the pandemic – especially in the field of ensuring a continued audience development.

Key takeaways and wrap up of the seminar

Next Steps in Film Education

Online regional seminar of film education in South Eastern Europe was held on 26 and 27 January 2021. Read the summary of the seminar, press releasse and re-watch the morning presentations with discussions.

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