Next Steps in Film Education
The online regional seminar was attended by more than a hundred representatives of key institutions in film education development – cinemas, distributers, film and cultural associations, national agencies and ministries, educational institutions and independent film education practitioners.
The seminar focused on the search for the conditions and models that ensure the quality, sustainability and wide availability of film education. Case studies were presented by organisations that, with their innovative approaches, have managed to continue their programmes during the shutdown or limited operation of cinemas and other cultural and educational institutions.
What's On
Wednesday, 10. 02. 2021
Press Releasse: Film Education Connecting the Region
On Tuesday and Wednesday, 26 and 27 January, the online regional seminar of film education in South Eastern Europe Next Steps in Film Education took place. More than a hundred representatives of key institutions in the broader region sought ways of maintaining the quality and ensuring the accessibility of film education – also in view of the consequences brought about by the pandemic.
Monday, 11. 01. 2021
Next Steps in Film Education: Programme & Schedule
Programme with schedule, speakers and presentations for both days of the online regional seminar: 26 and 27 January 2021.
Živa Jurančič
Film Education & Young Audiences
The seminar is part of Film Education: from Framework to Impact, an EU project co-ordinated by British Film Institute, Danish Film Institute, Vision Kino and Cinémathèque Française.
Project is co-funded by Creative Europe – MEDIA programme.
The seminar is organised by Slovenian Film Center and Kinodvor.