The Box Office is open from 17:30 till 21:30 (will open in 07:51).

Monday, 26. 02. 2018

The 3rd Kinotrip International Film Festival Will Start Off with Parvana’s Extraordinary Journey

The young have selected The Breadwinner, a picturesque animated film, for the official opening of this year’s edition of the festival, which will take place on Wednesday, 28 March, at 19.30.

Friday, 26. 01. 2018

2nd International Conference on Film Education

Lectures and photos from the conference are online.

Monday, 08. 01. 2018

Q & A with Alexander Payne, the director of Downsizing

After the avant premiere screening of his latest feature Alexander Payne joined us via Skype (video). The film will be playing with us until Wednesday, January 10th.

Friday, 15. 12. 2017

First Timers

Our ‘First Timers’ programme aimed at children aged 2-3 offers laid-back screenings every Saturday at 10am from Autumn to early Spring.

Friday, 15. 12. 2017
