The Box Office is open from 13:45 till 20:30 (open for another 03:22, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).
Kinotrip’s Photo & Video Coverage

Kinotrip’s Photo & Video Coverage

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The entire festival happening was carefully recorded by a group of official young photo and video reporters. Luka Jerebica, Maks Šolinc, David Kos and Vita Marija Orehek from the Ljubljana High School for Media and Graphic Technology will capture all the interesting moments for you. Their mentors were professors Miha Golob and Justina Gračner Botonjić.

Photos on this page: Vita Marija Orehek and Katja Goljat

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Friday, 01. 04. 2022

5th Kinotrip International Film Festival

This edition was special as it lasted only one day (October 15) due to the lockdown. Nevertheless, it was a magical one day with two amazing film screenings!

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