The Box Office is open from 13:45 till 20:30 (open for another 03:19, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Kinodvor, 20–22 October 2022 

The festival’s film walk will lead us through colourful landscapes of young people: from the hypnotic images of the Venetian Lagoon to the bright orange Australian desert, with quick turns of a sports drama and sensitive confessions that break the boundaries and expand horizons –  all carefully selected by a group of teens. So hit the road because your boots were made for walking. Let Kinotrip sweep you off your feet!

Festival tickets on sale from Monday, 3 October!

Festival Schedule »

Atlantis Atlantide

Yuri Ancarani / Italy, Qatar, USA, France / 2021 / 104 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, Italian

Renowned Italian video artist Yuri Ancarani’s new film shows the dynamics between teenagers living in the Venetian Lagoon. With nothing else to do all day, they cruise around in their speed boats, listening to music, and experiencing their first loves.

Olga Olga

Elie Grappe / Switzerland, France / 2021 / 87 min / Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, French

2013. A fifteen-year-old Ukrainian gymnast is torn between Switzerland, where she is preparing for the European Championship, and Kiev, where her mother, a journalist, reports on the Revolution of Dignity.

Into My Name Nel mio nome

Nicolò Bassetti / Italy / 2022 / 93 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, Italian

Eemotional journey through memories, beauty, challenges, laughter and tears that accompany the search for one’s name and identity in a society that does not always understand difference. It is time to break the boundaries and surrender to the diversity of the world!

Sun Sonne

Kurdwin Ayub / Austria / 2022 / 87 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, German, Kurdish

A film about young people caught between social media and self-discovery, a story of rebellious young women. 

Kinotripie – A Short Film Programme (2020) Kinotripčič - program kratkih filmov (2022)

razno / 2022 / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles

We will discover rebellious stories of young women, slip into the meditative circle of various relationships and, through intimate stories, sway into the hypnotic redness of the evening. Do you dare dance with us high above the horizon of the sky?

Walkabout Walkabout

Nicolas Roeg / United Kingdom, Australia / 1971 / 100 min / English

Two city-bred siblings are stranded in the Australian Outback, where they learn to survive with the aid of an Aboriginal boy on his “walkabout”: a ritual separation from his tribe.

Rookies Allons enfants

Thierry Demaizière, Alban Teurlai / France / 2022 / 114 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, French

This documentary follows the stories of eight teenagers who live for and because of dance; through it, they express their life stories and their relation to the world around them. An inspiring story about friendship, competitiveness and rebelliousness, which makes you want to dance yourself.