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Kinodvor is a Partner of the International Project Film in Hospital

Kinodvor is a Partner of the International Project Film in Hospital

In December, we will begin our cooperation in the international project Film in Hospital, which has received MEDIA support for its continuation. The project’s objective is to provide children and young people being treated in hospitals with access to quality films and film education content by establishing new online platforms.

The international project Film in Hospital began in 2017, when partners from three European countries brought together their knowledge and experience in the field of film education. JEF (Belgium), BUFF (Sweden) and Kids Meet Art (Croatia) will now be joined by three new partners: Il Nuovo Fantarca (Italy), Packmagic (Spain) and Kinodvor (Slovenia).

By including new countries and establishing three new national film platforms, the project’s quality film education content will reach a larger number of children and young people being treated in hospitals in Europe. The extended international partnership also brings a significantly extended diversity of the included film content.

In 2021, six national film platforms will offer twelve European feature films and sixty shorts for young audiences of different age groups. The project will thus provide vulnerable groups of children and young people with access to quality cultural content. Besides the film viewings, the partners will also jointly develop additional film education content, which will strengthen the film experience and bring it closer to group film viewing in a cinema. What we have in mind here are introductions to films, pre-recorded or live talks with filmmakers, interactive games, quizzes and other online tools for commenting, sharing and connecting with peers in other European countries.

For Kinodvor, cooperating in the international project Film in Hospital is an exceptional opportunity for a further development of our long-time partnership with the Division of Paediatrics, University Medical Centre Ljubljana and Zavarovalnica Triglav, Kinodvor’s sponsors that this year again helped us enable children and young people to see two films from the Kinobalon programme on the screens of their hospital rooms. You can find out more about this year’s visit to the Division of Paediatrics here (in Slovenian language).

Under the EACEA 23/2019 call for proposals, Film in Hospital received EUR 60,000. The leading partner is the Croatian organisation Kids Meet Art. More information on the project is published on the project’s international webpage and the webpage of Creative Europe.

Wednesday, 06. 04. 2022

Film in Hospital

International on-line platform: bringing the magic world of film to children and teens in hospitals.

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