A vignette of a seaside community where an apartment block and courtyard serve as an amphitheatre for the mysterious power dynamics that play out in the residents’ intertwined lives. The late Georgian filmmaker, Zaza Khalvashi, delivers a quirky yet genuine tale of mundanity in this posthumously produced feature, completed with the help of his daughter Tamta Khalvashi, in 2020. These unique stories are reminiscent of the petty neighbourhood scheming and deadpan undertones distinctive of Béla Tarr’s, Aki Kaurismäki’s and Federico Fellini’s works.
“The shooting process almost feels like a religious ritual to me, when supernatural and material merge into one in such a way, that you lose personal senses and get completely carried away by telling the reality, which disturbs and leaves you restless. /.../ It's essential to what extent a director feels alone, which is to say concentrated on personal capacity for perception. The more lonely a creator is, the more trustworthy is his creation.” (Zaza Khalvashi)