The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 21:20 (open for another 49 minutes, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).
Animateka 2017

Competition Programme II (2017) Tekmovalni program II (2017)

various / 75 min

Na kratko / In a Nutshell
Fabio Friedli (Yk Animation Studio)
Switzerland, 2017, digital, 5’48”

From a seed to war, from meat to love, from indifference to apocalypse. An attempt to capture the world in a nutshell.

Bitka pri San Romanu / The Battle of San Romano
Georges Schwizgebel (Studio GDS)
Switzerland, 2017, digital, 2'25”

A movement within a painting, which begins with the savagery of a battle and comes to a halt in a rendition of a masterpiece of the 15th Century; The Battle of San Romano by Paolo Uccello.

Marko Meštrović (Kreativni sindikat)
Croatia, 2017, digital, 10'40"

A film beyond the eyelids. In one word: a trip.

Kuku / Kuckuck / Cuckoo
Aline Höchli (Tricksfilms)
Switzerland, 2017, digital, 3'10”

A skinny, young girl spends her time alone feeding pigeons in the park. But even they fly away from her. Suddenly, company turns up. But the beanpole feels uneasy about the new companionship, so she sets about going to a specialist for parasites.

Urte Oettinger, Johan Oettinger (Art Shot/Wiredfly/Basmati Film)
Lithuania, Denmark, 2016, digital, 7’48”

A storm is coming. The eagle is captured by the spirit of doom. A bullet is fired to the eagle's fatal battle.

39 tednov, 6 dni / 39 Týždňov 6 Dní / 39 Weeks 6 Days
Joanna Kozuch, Boris Šima (Plackartnyj/BFilm)
Slovakia, 2017, digital, 7’52”

An artistic experiment, animated diary and personal documentary showing animated self-portraits of a woman and a man, a married couple and co-authors during the 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Praznični veter / Vent De Fête / A Festive Wind
Marjolaine Perreten (Nadasdy Film)
Switzerland, 2016, digital, 9'50”

Early in the morning, a great celebration is being prepared in a small Swiss village. The volunteers are bustling about and the first musicians arrive.

Rumena / Žltá / Yellow
Ivana Šebestová (Fool Moon/Feel Me Film)
Slovakia, 2017, digital, 6’45”

A short animated film telling the metaphoric story of a young opera singer Viola. Scared of everything yellow, sunny and spontaneous she hides herself in sad violet shadows. Will she find her way to happiness?

Natia Nikolašvili (20 Steps Productions)
Georgia, 2017, digital, 9’45”

In the magic forest it is dark and cold; the fog so thick that not a single ray of sunlight shines through. The plants are withered and the lakes frozen, with nothing stirring anymore. A lone girl and a deer are wandering through this icy landscape. What are they looking for?

Regrat / Dandelion
Elisa Talentino (Fondazione Dravelli/Airelles Video)
Italy, 2017, 35 mm, 2’52”

An antique dance, a courting ritual. A dandelion flower to blow desires. In the double time bourrée dance, dancers come close, reaching towards each other, then they turn away, find and avoid each other, without ever touching. The dandelion flower is the spring oracle. The legend says that the lovers give their wishes to the flower and then blow them away to make them come true.

Periferija / Periphery
Leona Kadijević (Studio U šumi)
Croatia, 2017, digital, 8'05''

Which story is true, and which isn’t? How should we perceive the world around us? Our own points of view and ideas are challenged and juxtaposed with countless stories, facts, and thoughts, all provoked by unremarkable everyday things like a sunflower.

Na kratko / In a Nutshell

Fabio Friedli (Yk Animation Studio)

Švica/Switzerland, 2017, digital, 5’48”

Od zrna do vojne, od mesa do ljubezni, od ravnodušnosti do konca sveta. Poskus kratkega in jedrnatega opisa sveta.

From a seed to war, from meat to love, from indifference to apocalypse. An attempt to capture the world in a nutshell.

Bitka pri San Romanu / The Battle of San Romano

Georges Schwizgebel (Studio GDS)

Švica/Switzerland, 2017, digital, 2'25”

Oživitev dogajanja v slikarski umetnini, ki se začne z brutalno bitko in zamrzne v upodobitvi mojstrovine iz 15. stoletja, Bitke pri San Romanu slikarja Paola Uccella.

A movement within a painting, which begins with the savagery of a battle and comes to a halt in a rendition of a masterpiece of the 15th Century; The Battle of San Romano by Paolo Uccello.


Marko Meštrović (Kreativni sindikat)

Hrvaška/Croatia, 2017, digital, 10'40"

Film, ki se odvrti za vekami. Z eno besedo, trip.

A film beyond the eyelids. In one word: a trip.

Kuku / Kuckuck / Cuckoo

Aline Höchli (Tricksfilms)

Švica/Switzerland, 2017, digital, 3'10”

Suhljato dekle preživlja svoj prosti čas sámo, ob hranjenju golobov v parku. A tudi oni vselej odletijo. Nenadoma dobi družbo, vendar ji novi spremljevalec vzbuja nelagodje, zato se odpravi k specialistu za zajedavce.

A skinny, young girl spends her time alone feeding pigeons in the park. But even they fly away from her. Suddenly, company turns up. But the beanpole feels uneasy about the new companionship, so she sets about going to a specialist for parasites.


Urte Oettinger, Johan Oettinger (Art Shot/Wiredfly/Basmati Film)

Litva, Danska/Lithuania, Denmark, 2016, digital, 7’48”

Bliža se nevihta. Orla zajame duh pogubljenja. Izstreli se naboj in bitka je za orla usodna.

A storm is coming. The eagle is captured by the spirit of doom. A bullet is fired to the eagle's fatal battle.

39 tednov, 6 dni / 39 Týždňov 6 Dní / 39 Weeks 6 Days

Joanna Kozuch, Boris Šima (Plackartnyj/BFilm)

Slovaška/Slovakia, 2017, digital, 7’52”

Umetniški eksperiment, animirani dnevnik in intimni dokumentarec, ki prikazuje animirana avtoportreta ženske in moškega, poročenega para in soavtorjev filma v 40 tednih nosečnosti.

An artistic experiment, animated diary and personal documentary showing animated self-portraits of a woman and a man, a married couple and co-authors during the 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Praznični veter / Vent De Fête / A Festive Wind

Marjolaine Perreten (Nadasdy Film)

Švica/Switzerland, 2016, digital, 9'50”

V majhni švicarski vasi se navsezgodaj začnejo priprave na veliko praznovanje. Prostovoljci tekajo sem in tja, prispejo prvi glasbeniki.

Early in the morning, a great celebration is being prepared in a small Swiss village. The volunteers are bustling about and the first musicians arrive.

Rumena / Žltá / Yellow

Ivana Šebestová (Fool Moon/Feel Me Film)

Slovaška/Slovakia, 2017, digital, 6’45”

Kratki animirani film pripoveduje metaforično zgodbo o mladi operni pevki Violi. Ker se boji vsega rumenega, sončnega in spontanega, se skriva po žalobnih vijoličnih sencah. Bo kdaj našla pot do sreče?

A short animated film telling the metaphoric story of a young opera singer Viola. Scared of everything yellow, sunny and spontaneous she hides herself in sad violet shadows. Will she find her way to happiness?


Natia Nikolašvili (20 Steps Productions)

Gruzija/Georgia, 2017, digital, 9’45”

V čarobnem gozdu je temno in hladno; megla je tako gosta, da je ne predre niti najmanjši žarek sonca. Rastje je ovenelo in jezera zamrznjena, vse je obstalo. Po tej ledeni pokrajini potujeta deklica in srna. Le kaj iščeta?

In the magic forest it is dark and cold; the fog so thick that not a single ray of sunlight shines through. The plants are withered and the lakes frozen, with nothing stirring anymore. A lone girl and a deer are wandering through this icy landscape. What are they looking for?

Regrat / Dandelion

Elisa Talentino (Fondazione Dravelli/Airelles Video)

Italija/Italy, 2017, 35 mm, 2’52”

Starodavni ples, snubitveni obred. Regratova lučka, da pošlješ želje v svet. V hitrem buréju se plesalca približata, sežeta drug proti drugemu, pa spet obrneta, se najdeta in izmakneta, ne da bi se kdaj dotaknila. Regratov cvet je spomladansko preročišče. Zaljubljenca po običaju izročita svoje želje cvetlici in lučko razpihneta, da bi se želje izpolnile.

An antique dance, a courting ritual. A dandelion flower to blow desires. In the double time bourrée dance, dancers come close, reaching towards each other, then they turn away, find and avoid each other, without ever touching. The dandelion flower is the spring oracle. The legend says that the lovers give their wishes to the flower and then blow them away to make them come true.

Periferija / Periphery
Leona Kadijević (Studio U šumi)

Hrvaška/Croatia, 2017, digital, 8'05''

Katera zgodba je resnična in katera ne? Kako naj bi dojemali svet okoli sebe? Naš lastni vidik in ideje so postavljeni pod vprašaj in ob bok neštetih zgodb, dejstev in misli, ki so jih sprožile povsem običajne, vsakdanje reči, kot je sončnica.

Which story is true, and which isn’t? How should we perceive the world around us? Our own points of view and ideas are challenged and juxtaposed with countless stories, facts, and thoughts, all provoked by unremarkable everyday things like a sunflower.

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What's On

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood Savvusanna sõsarad

Anna Hints

Saturday, 23. 11. 2024 / 20:30 / Small Hall

In the Estonian countryside, a group of women meet in a smoke sauna by a lake in the woods. In this intimate, deeply empathetic debut documentary by Anna Hints, in the safe darkness of the traditional smoke sauna, they share their deepest secrets and most personal experiences. Winner of the European Film Award for Best Documentary.

LIFFe / Extravaganza

The Roundup: Punishment Beomjoidosi 4

Myeong-haeng Heo

Saturday, 23. 11. 2024 / 21:20 / Main Hall

Iconic action star Don Lee returns to take down another vicious villain and break up a cybercrime ring. It’s the fourth installment in what has turned out to be one of the most successful franchises in South Korean cinema. 

LIFFe / Kings & Queens

Harvest Harvest

Athina Rachel Tsangari

Sunday, 24. 11. 2024 / 11:00 / Main Hall

Based on Jim Crace’s novel of the same name, Tsangari’s film tells the story of a remote English village whose delicate fabric begins to unravel in the wake of economic progress.