Celica / The Box
Dušan Kastelic (Bugbrain/RTVSLO)
Slovenia, 2016, digital, 12'13”
Life in the Box is boring and miserable. Until one day when a new baby boy starts to grow in the middle of the Box! This baby is very different from other flat-headed inhabitants of the Box. He's happy, lively and curious. As the baby grows bigger and bigger, the flat-headed neighbours are becoming more and more annoyed with him. Until one day he literally grows over their heads.
Samo plavati / Samo Plivanje / Just Swimming
Darko Vidačković (Bonobostudio)
Croatia, 2017, digital, 9'40"
Let's dive from the everyday world of events into the deep waters of consciousness, to the world of eternal, pure forms. Let's return to ourselves, return home.
Zadnja postaja: Luna / Last Stop is The Moon
Birute Sodeikaite (Likaon/Art Shot/NinA)
Poland, Lithuania, 2017, digital, 8’38”
A story of a girl who is trying to deal with her illness inside her imagination. Imagining the illness as a Lion and herself as a Unicorn, she goes through different stages of acceptance.
Juan Pablo Libossart (Fasad ab/Fork film)
Sweden, Estonia, Denmark, Bolivia, 2016, digital, 15’22”
Amalimbo is the story of Tipuana, a five year-old girl who experiences limbo when she tries to pass to “the other side” in her desperate urge to reunite with her recently deceased father. It is a short story set in an undefined place in an undefined future.
Po občutku / Dead Reckoning
Paul Wenninger, Susan Young (Kabinett ad Co.)
Austria, 2017, digital, 2’47”
“Dead Reckoning” is a ride around Vienna’s Ringstrasse boulevard and from there to go into the city, to fall, to eat, and finally to end up on the toilet. Death is always there, always in front of us. The film follows the cycle of life, the rhythm of the city.
Pobeg / Ucieczka / The Escape
Jarosław Konopka (Anima-Pol Film Studio)
Poland, 2017, digital, 15’
A woman and a child – people saved by remembrance. Their world has disappeared forever in apocalyptic annihilation. Afterimages of those traumatic events interfere with the perception of reality. Characters are haunted by a constant sense of insecurity and danger. They exist, but as if they were dead. They only live in human memory, in the images blurred by time.
Rdeča kapica redux / Crvenkapica Redux / Red Riding Hood Redux
Danijel Žeželj (Zagreb Film)
Croatia, 2017, digital, 11’53”
The midday sun is frying the post-industrial landscape. Little Red Riding Hood is on her way to her grandmother’s cottage. After entering an abandoned factory building she continues into a dark forest. A Wolf leads her to a flower meadow and then leaves. Red Riding Hood arrives eventually at her grandmother’s cottage carrying a bunch of flowers she has just picked.
Competition Programme I (2017) Tekmovalni program I (2017)
What's On
Once Upon a Time in Soča Valley Nekoč v Posočju
Ema Kugler
Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 16:00 / Main Hall
A poetic documentary about the old faith in the Soča Valley, passed down orally from generation to generation.
The Silence of Life V tišini življenja
Nina Blažin
Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 17:00 / Small Hall
A story about departure, remembrance, and love. A film that celebrates life.