Marcin Giżycki (Kinefaktura)
Poljska/Poland, 2012, HD, 3'15''
Three animated variations on Henryk Berlewi’s ‘Mechanofaktura. Dynamic Contrasts’ of 1924 based on some hints given by the artist himself.
Ob poti / Chemin faisant / Along the Way
Georges Schwizgebel (Studio GDS/RITA Production)
Švica/Switzerland, 2012, DCP, 3'30''
Through paintings that interact on the principle of Russian dolls, we are drawn along the swirling path of the thoughts of a pilgrim, a solitary walker.
Oče / Father
Ivan Bogdanov, Moritz Mayerhofer, Asparuh Petrov, Veljko Popović, Rositsa Raleva, Dmitry Yagodin (Compote Collective/Bonobostudio/Eyecatch Productions)
Bolgarija, Hrvaška, Nemčija/Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, 2012, HD, 16'30'',
When did you last talk to your father? Will you ever ask him about those things that hurt you?
Michele Bernardi (Michele Bernardi)
Italija/Italy, 2012, HD, 3'50''
Djuma is a wild boy, brought up in the forest by a pack of wolves. But he is more attracted to freedom than living in a group.
Dust & Glitter
Michaela Čopíková (ové pictures)
Slovaška/Slovakia, 2011, 35mm, 11'15''
Dust and Glitter is a simple story about two people from different environments who live next to each other but never communicate directly. A film inspired by the city of San Francisco and its inhabitants.
Duhovi klavirja / Skrzaty Fortepianu / Spirits of the Piano
Magdalena Osinska (Breakthru Films)
Poljska/Poland, 2011, HD, 3'
Weird and wonderful spirits bring the flying machine, which has crashed on the cliffs, back to life.
Soba številka 69 / Chambre 69
Claude Barras (Helium Films)
Švica/Switzerland, 2012, DCP, 3'
A road in an arid desert. A car pulls off on the parking of a motel. A man holding a cardboard box comes out of it and rushes into the room number 69 of the motel...
We used to call it: Moon.
Marko Tadić (Marko Tadić)
Hrvaška/Croatia, 2011, digiBeta, 4'15''
There used to be two moons in the sky and now one of them has been removed. This document is a sort of a proof that has been censored until today and thus forgotten. It proves the existence of the second moon.
Kaj se zgodi, če otroci ne jedo juhe / Co Się Dzieje, Gdy Dzieci Nie Chcą Jeść Zupy / What Happens When Children Don'T Eat Soup
Paweł Prewencki (University of Arts Poznan)
Poljska/Poland, 2011, BetaSP, 8'31''
Two siblings watched by their grandfather sit at the table and struggle to finish their soup. The children don’t want to eat, they scoop the soup up reluctantly, looking for a possible way to break free from the table. When the door opens, and the bright light hits the room, the children run out and find themselves in a completely different reality.
Villa Antropoff
Vladimir Leschiov, Kaspar Jancis (Lunohod/Joonisfilm)
Latvija, Estonija/Latvia, Estonia, 2012, HD, 13’
A man has nothing to lose except his dream. To make his dream come true the man embarks on a dangerous journey. But his destination is not what it seems.
Mačka / Mačka / The Cat
Goran Stojnić (3D2D Animatori)
Hrvaška/Croatia, 2012, HD, 9'21''
A short story about three completely different beings - a cat, an old woman, and a bird. Or maybe not so different after all? While the viewer follows the cat character, it becomes clearer that one's actions can alter not only one's behavior, but also their physical appearance.