A family event movie from the creators of “Coraline” and “ParaNorman” that introduces audiences to a new breed of family – TheBoxtrolls, a community of quirky, mischievous creatures who have lovingly raised an orphaned human boy named Eggs (voiced by Isaac Hempstead Wright) in the amazing cavernous home they’ve built beneath the streets of Cheesebridge. When the town’s villain, Archibald Snatcher (Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley), comes up with a plot to get rid of the Boxtrolls, Eggs decides to venture above ground, “into the light,” where he meets and teams up with fabulously feisty Winnie (Elle Fanning). Together, they devise a daring plan to save Eggs’ family.
What's On
Animal Tales of Christmas Magic Le Grand Noël des animaux
več avtoric
Sunday, 05. 01. 2025 / 11:30 / Small Hall
Enchanting stories unfold in Animal Tales of Christmas Magic, where festive wonders come to life. Delve into these heartwarming and modern tales as animals embark on spellbinding journeys from France to Japan to the Far North and its northern lights, spreading joy and generosity.
Mufasa: The Lion King Mufasa: The Lion King
Barry Jenkins
Sunday, 05. 01. 2025 / 14:10 / Main Hall
Mufasa: The Lion King enlists Rafiki to relay the legend of Mufasa to young lion cub Kiara, daughter of Simba and Nala, with Timon and Pumbaa lending their signature schtick.