A searing emotional-thriller that views the intrigue, corruption and moral mayhem of Mexican drug wars from the perspective of an inexperienced FBI agent.
When Arizona FBI agent Kate Macer uncovers a Mexican cartel’s house of death, her shocking find leads to profound consequences on both a personal and global level. Kate is recruited to join a covert black-ops mission headed by a mysterious Colombian operative known only as Alejandro. Even as Kate tries to convince herself she’s on a hunt for justice, she is thrust into the dark heart of a secret battleground that has swept up ruthless cartels, kill-crazy assassins, clandestine American spies and thousands of innocents.
"We have a need for super heroes. However, in today’s reality, heroes don’t usually have clean hands. Heroes are in contact with the most difficult moral choices, the choices we must make when confronted by evil. Sicario’s moral choices fascinate me. How far should we go to stop the cartels? Can we stop the cartels without becoming like them?"
- Denis Villeneve