A kaleidoscopic Allen-esque urban comedy, this time set in the Eternal City. A well-known American architect relives his youth. An average middle-class Roman suddenly finds himself becoming a celebrity. A young provincial couple is drawn into romantic encounters. An American opera director endeavors to put a singing mortician on stage. These romantic chapters are played out simultaneously in this ancient and bustling city, in every part of town, in the past and in the present. Woody Allen himself calls To Rome, With Love a tribute to old Italian films. English and Italian spoken.
What's On
The Room Next Door The Room Next Door
Pedro Almodóvar
Sunday, 22. 12. 2024 / 11:00 / Main Hall
Pedro Almodóvar won the Golden Lion at this year’s Venice Film Festival for his first English-language feature, dealing with the controversial topic of euthanasia.
SuperKlaus SuperKlaus
Steve Majaury, Andrea Sebastiá
Sunday, 22. 12. 2024 / 11:30 / Small Hall
SuperKlaus is an agile and brave super hero, tough and smart, strong, fast and with incredible powers.
Animal Tales of Christmas Magic Le Grand Noël des animaux
več avtoric
Sunday, 22. 12. 2024 / 14:20 / Main Hall
Enchanting stories unfold in Animal Tales of Christmas Magic, where festive wonders come to life. Delve into these heartwarming and modern tales as animals embark on spellbinding journeys from France to Japan to the Far North and its northern lights, spreading joy and generosity.