The story revolves around Jovan, a 10-year-old boy with partial cerebral palsy, and Milica, a gutsy girl who is the new student in Jovan’s school. Milica’s parents are on the verge of a divorce and she is convinced that her prospective stepmother is a witch who has cast a spell on her father. As Jovan and Milica develop a bond of friendship, they become witch hunters, hoping that by making her disappear the spell that has been cast on her father will be broken.
The Witch Hunters Zlogonje
What's On
The Promised Land Bastarden
Nikolaj Arcel
Sunday, 22. 12. 2024 / 19:00 / Main Hall
In 1755, the impoverished outcast Captain Kahlen sets out to conquer the harsh, uninhabitable plains of Jutland with a seemingly impossible goal: to build a colony in the name of the King. If he succeeds, he will receive a desperately desired Royal title. However, the sole ruler of the area, the ruthless and cruel Frederik de Schinkel, arrogantly believes that this land belongs to him …
Megalopolis Megalopolis
Francis Ford Coppola
Monday, 23. 12. 2024 / 17:10 / Main Hall
The highly anticipated new film by one of the greatest directors of all time is also one of Francis Ford Coppola’s most adventurous and ambitious works to date.
Cent’anni Cent’anni
Maja Doroteja Prelog
Monday, 23. 12. 2024 / 19:00 / Small Hall
An emotional rollercoaster with heart-wrenching confessions and poetic visuals in the midst of beautiful natural sceneries, an unfiltered testament to love and change.