On an expedition deep in the jungle, scientists led by ichthyologist David Reed discover a mysterious humanoid creature, a living “amphibious missing link” lurking in the depths of the Amazon. Captured and imprisoned for scientific study, the Gill Man becomes enamoured with David’s assistant Kay. When the creature escapes and kidnaps the object of his affection, a crusade is launched to rescue her and cast the monster back to the watery depths.
The iconic Gill Man ushered in a new type of monster, perfectly blending Universal’s classic monster heritage with the sci-fi explosion of the 1950s. A thrilling underwater adventure. A tragic love story. A true creature-feature classic. Presented as it was originally released, in 3D!
“A classic horror that warms the heart and wets the pants. /…/ this is one of the best-loved monster movies of the ‘50s. /…/ When it slinks on screen, the Creature is not some stuntman in a waterlogged sack with ping-pong-ball eyes but a truly impressive make-up creation – a fish-faced humanoid in a scaly wetsuit, which even has its own unique swimming style. /…/ The underwater scenes remain definitive, with the curvy Adams floating on the surface and dangling her long white legs above the Creature’s claws, and the Gill Man performing a serpentine underwater ballet beneath her pin-up form. Few 1950s science fiction films bothered with sex, but this swimming flirtation remains as classic an image of impossible love as King Kong and his tiny blonde.”
– Kim Newman, Empire
“If I had to pick one monster that moves me aesthetically, it would be the Creature from the Black Lagoon.”
– Benicio Del Toro