The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (open for another 01:53, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Gospodar Ballantrea The Master of Ballantrae

William Keighley, USA 1953 / 1953

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim

Kenji Kamiyama / Japan, New Zealand, USA / 2024 / 134 min / English

Gospodar v tuji hiši Herr im Haus

Heinz Helbig / Germany / 1940

The Eagle Huntress The Eagle Huntress

Otto Bell / United Kingdom, Mongolia / 2016 / 87 min / Slovene subtitles, Kazakh / 8+

Gospodična - gospa Fräulein Frau

Hans Theyer / Austria / 1923

Gospodična doktor Mademoiselle Docteur

Georg Wilhelm Pabst / France / 1936

Gospodična Julija Fräulein Julie

Felix Basch, GER 1922 / 1922

Miss Marx Miss Marx

Susanna Nicchiarelli / Italy, Belgium / 2020 / 107 min / English

Miss Impossible Jamais contente

Emilie Deleuze / France / 2016 / 90 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 11+

The Housemaid Hanyo

Im Sang-soo / 2010 / 107 min / Korean

Potiche Potiche

François Ozon / France / 2010 / 103 min / French

Housekeeping for Beginners Domaḱinstvo za početnici

Goran Stolevski / North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Poland, Croatia / 2023 / 107 min / Macedonian, Romani

A film full of laughter, tears and untamed energy. It explores universal truths about family—both the one we are born into and the one we find along the way.

His Master's Voice Az Úr hangja

György Pálfi / Hungary, Sweden, Canada, USA, France / 2018 / 108 min / English, Hungarian

Acclaimed Hungarian director György Pálfi (Taxidermia) drew inspiration for his dystopic tale about a family’s dark history from Stanislav Lem’s iconic novel of the same name.

Hospitalité Hospitalité

Koji Fukada / Japan / 2010 / 96 min / Japanese

Beef Trout Director's Cut Goveja postrv – Director's cut 2016

Stjepan Drača / Slovenia / 2016 / 79 min / Slovene