The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (will open in 11:44).

Phantom Boy Phantom Boy

Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli / Belgium, France / 2015 / 84 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 9+

Boyhood Boyhood

Richard Linklater / USA / 2014 / 166 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 15+

Filmed over a period of 12 years with the same cast, Richard Linklater’s Boyhood is a ground-breaking story of growing up as seen through the eyes of a child named Mason, who literally grows up on screen before our eyes.

The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess Le Pharaon, le Sauvage et la Princesse

Michel Ocelot / France, Belgium / 2022 / 83 min / French / 8+

Michel Ocelot, the French animation master, unveils three new tales in this film mixing animation techniques, ages and continents.

Fargo Fargo

Joel Coen, USA/GB 1996 / USA / 1996 / 98 min

Farinelli Farinelli: il castrato

Gérard Corbiau, B/F/I 1994 / 1994

Faro: Goddess of the Waters Faro, la reine des eaux

Salif Traoré / 2007 / 96 min / Bambara

Fatalna bolničarka The Nurse From Brooklyn

S. Sylvan Simon, USA 1938 / 1938

Fatty in miljoni Brewster's Millions

Joseph Henabery, USA 1921 / 1921

Faust Faust (Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage)

Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau / Germany / 1926

February / The Blackcoat's Daughter February / The Blackcoat's Daughter

Osgood Perkins / Canada, USA / 2015 / 93 min / English

Fedra Phaedra

Jules Dassin, USA/F/GR 1962 / 1962

FeKK 2022: Private Life Of Everything FeKK 2022: svečana slovesnost + Klasiki: Zasebno življenje vsega

various / 71 min

The Birth of a Flower, F. Percy Smith; The Private Life of a Cat, Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren; La Soufrière, Werner Herzog; Everything, David O’Reilly

FeKK MIX + Kratki rezi FeKK MIX + Kratki rezi

razno / Slovenia / 2019 / 110 min / Slovene

FeKK: Opening Ceremony + Classics: Do Not Go Gentle FeKK: Svečana slovesnost + Klasiki: Ne odidi krotko

različni avtorji / various / 68 min

Saute ma ville, Chantal Akerman; 79 primaveras, Santiago Álvarez; Dirty Girls, Michael Lucid; It’s a Date, Nadia Parfan; The Heart Of The World, Guy Maddin

Felix Felix

Roberta Durrant / South Africa / 2013 / 94 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 9+

Fenomen Phenomenon

Jon Turteltaub, USA 1996 / 1996

Freddy Frogface Orla Frøsnapper

Peter Dodd / Denmark / 2011 / 81 min / Dubbed / 6+