The Box Office is open from 13:45 till 20:30 (open for another 03:21, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Dekleta za uživanje Supergirls

Walter Molitor (=Amato Bezzeli), ZRN 1983 / 1983

Deklica in drevo Deklica in drevo

Vlado Škafar / Slovenia / 2012 / 83 min / Slovene

The Fox & the Child Le Renard et l'Enfant

Luc Jacquet / France / 2007 / 92 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 7+, primeren tudi za otroke od 5. leta

Deklica in njena mačka La petite fille et son chat

Cinématographe Lumière / France / 1900 / 1 min / Silent / 3+

Deklica in smrt Death and the Maiden

Roman Polanski, USA/GB/F 1994 / 1994

Deklica išče očeta Devočka iščet otca

Lev Vladimirovič Golub, SU 1959 / 1959

Deklica iz Leningrada Frontovye podrugi

Viktor Vladislavovič Ejsimont, SU 1941 / 1941

Deklice, katerih se ne poroči Mädchen, die man nicht heiratet

Géza von Bolváry (akcenti), GER 1924 / 1924

Deklina La ragazzola

Giuseppe Orlandini, I 1965 / 1965

Girl Gang Girl Gang

Susanne Regina Meures / Switzerland / 2022 / 98 min / German / 11+

Fourteen-year-old Leonie is a successful teen influencer who lives on the outskirts of Berlin. Millions of followers are at her feet, and companies shower her with products. 

Dekliška leta Gody devič'i

Leonid Estrin, SU 1961 / 1961

Dekliški internat Private School

Noel Black, USA 1983 / 1983

Dekolte El escote

Antonio Verdaguer, E 1986 / 1986

The Workshop L'Atelier

Laurent Cantet / France / 2017 / 113 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 16+

Palme D’Or award winner Laurent Cantet delves into one of the most critical modern-day issues: how to arouse young people’s interest in history.

The Doplhin: Story of a Dreamer El delfín: La historia de un soñador

Eduardo Schuldt / Peru, Italy, Germany / 2009 / 86 min / Dubbed / 6+

Delfini I delfini

Francesco Maselli, I 1960 / 1960

Delirium I. Delirium I.

Pia Prezelj / Slovenia / 2013 / 4 min / Slovene

Delo Artamonovih Delo Artamonovyh

Grigorij Lvovič Rošalj, SU 1941 / 1941

Never Look Away Werk ohne Autor

Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck / Germany / 2018 / 188 min / Russian, German

Nominated for the Foreign Language Academy Award and Golden Globe, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck’s epic drama encompasses three decades of German history and draws on the liberating power of art in this tense and exciting family saga.