Film archive
Dar Fur: War for Water Dar Fur - Vojna za vodo
Tomo Križnar in Maja Weiss / Slovenia / 2006 / 89 min / Slovene subtitles, Slovene, Zaghawa, Fur, English, Arabic / 14+
Darwin's Nightmare Darwin's Nightmare
Hubert Sauper / France, Austria, Belgium / 2004 / 117 min / Slovene subtitles, Russian, Swahili, English / 16+
Deathgasm Deathgasm
Jason Lei Howden / New Zealand / 2015 / 90 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 15+
Conversation Studio Atelier de conversation
Bernhard Braunstein / France, Austria / 2017 / 72 min / French
People from all over the world meet on a weekly basis at the Atelier de conversation of the Bibliothèque publique d’information located in the Centre Pompidou in Paris to practise their French.
Dede Dede
Mariam Hačvani / Georgia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Croatia, Ireland, Qatar / 2017 / 97 min / Georgian
A young girl challenges the deep-rooted traditions of her patriarchal culture, customs that still survive in Georgia’s remote rural areas.
The Heiresses Las herederas
Marcelo Martinessi / Paraguay, Germany, Norway, France, Brazil, Uruguay / 2018 / 95 min / Spanish
A quiet masterpiece by a voice from the little-known Paraguayan cinema. By centring on a relationship between two middle-aged women, The Heiresses explores personal growth, ranging from paralysing apathy to optimistic awakening.