The Box Office is open from 16:20 till 20:00 (open for another 01:31, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

The Brand New Testament Le tout nouveau testament

Jaco Van Dormael / Belgium, Luxembourg, France / 2015 / 112 min / French

Citizenfour Citizenfour

Laura Poitras / USA / 2014 / 114 min / English

Civilizacija Civilization

Reginald Barker, Thomas H. Ince, USA 1916 / 1916

Claire Claire

Robert Dinesen, GER 1924 / 1924

Claire's Camera La caméra de Claire

Hong Sang-soo / South Korea, France / 2017 / 70 min / English, French, Korean

Featuring Isabelle Huppert and Kim Min-hee, the conversational vignette was shot on the less glamorous beaches and backstreets of Cannes.

Cleo, plesačica Pariza Peacock Alley

Robert Z. Leonard, USA 1922 / 1922

Človek amfibija Čelovek-amfibija

Genadij Kazanskij, SU 1962 / 1962

Človek brez srca Der Mann ohne Herz / Muž bez srdce

Franz W. Koebner, Josef Horňák, GER/CS 1923 / 1923

Človek brez strahu The Circus Ace

Benjamin Stoloff, USA 1927 / 1927

Dolphin Man Dolphin Man

Lefteris Charitos / Greece, Canada, France / 2017 / 78 min / English, French, Italian

Documentary about the life and legacy of Jacques Mayol, pionneering free diver and inspiration behind Luc Besson’s cult film The Big Blue.

Človek iz Alame The Man from the Alamo

Budd Boetticher, USA 1953 / 1953

Man of Aran Man of Aran

Robert J. Flaherty / United Kingdom / 1934

Človek iz Eden bara La Tęte d'un homme

Julien Duvivier, F 1933 / 1933

Človek iz Marakeša L'Homme de Marrakesh

Jacques Deray, F/I/E 1966 / 1966

Man on Wire Man on Wire

James Marsh / United Kingdom, USA / 2008 / 94 min / English, French

Človek ni ptica Čovek nije tica

Dušan Makavejev, YU 1965 / 1965

Človek proti človeku Mann gegen Mann

Harry Piel, GER 1928 / 1928

Človek s puško The Man Behind the Gun

Felix E. Feist, USA 1953 / 1953

Man With Shadow Človek s senco

Ema Kugler / Slovenia / 2019 / 100 min

The genetic code forces people to reproduce. Infants have no choice; as helpless beings, they are subjected to training in civilisational norms determined by those in power. The film’s artistic forcefulness and aesthetic artfulness lead the viewer to a spontaneous transformation in relation to ethics, society and the reception and perception of art.

Človek, ki je veliko vedel Défense de savoir

Nadine Trintignant, F 1973 / 1973

The Human Voice La voz humana

Pedro Almodóvar / Spain / 2020 / 30 min / English

A woman watches the time pass, sitting around her flat with the suitcases her ex-lover has promised to collect but never does, and with a restless dog who fails to understand his master has abandoned him. Over the course of three days, she only goes out once – to buy an axe and a can of gasoline… Pedro Almodóvar loosely adapted his first English-language film from Jean Cocteau’s eponymous stage play.