The Box Office is open from 13:45 till 20:30 (will open in 03:31).

Veseli rekruti Les Bidasses en folie

Claude Zidi, F 1971 / 1971

Veseli sanatorij The Nervous Wreck

Scott Sidney, USA 1926 / 1926

Veseli vagabundi Die lustigen Vagabunden

Jürgen von Alten, GER 1940 / 1940

Summer Bachelors Summer Bachelors

Allan Dwan / USA / 1926

Veseli zakonski mož Der lachende Ehemann

Rudolf Walther-Fein, GER 1926 / 1926

Veselica Veselica

Jože Babič, SLO (YU) 1960 / 1960

Veselite se življenja Freut Euch des Lebens

Hans Steinhoff, GER 1934 / 1934

Vesna Vesna

František Čap / Yugoslavia / 1953 / 91 min / Slovene / 13+

The Space Among Us Vesolje med nami

Rahela Jagrič Pirc / Slovenia, Serbia / 2021 / 100 min / Slovene / 10+

An abandoned star observatory unites a blind astronomer and a teenager Tobi.

Vesoljski kavboji Space Cowboys

Clint Eastwood, USA 2000 / 2000

Vest Svĕdomí

Jiří Krejčík, CS 1948 / 1948

Vest zdravnika dr. Kildareja Young Dr. Kildare

Harold S. Bucquet, USA 1938 / 1938

Western Western

Valeska Grisebach / Germany, Austria, Bulgaria / 2017 / 120 min / Bulgarian, English, German

Using the tropes of the western genre, Valeska Grisebach tells a story about prejudices, mistrust and typical male rivalry between German workers and Bulgarian villagers.

Veter Wind

Carroll Ballard, USA 1992 / 1992

Veter se požvižga Veter se požvižga

Filip Robar Dorin / Slovenia / 2008 / 112 min

The Wind That Shakes the Barley The Wind That Shakes the Barley

Ken Loach / Ireland, Italy, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, France / 2006 / 127 min / Slovene subtitles, Irish, English / 16+

Vi ste moj gost Der große Trick

Carl Boese, GER 1934 / 1934

Vic+Flo Saw a Bear Vic+Flo ont vu un ours

Denis Côté / Canada / 2013 / 90 min

Victoria Victoria

Sebastian Schipper / Germany / 2015 / 138 min

I Saw the Devil Akmareul boatda

Jee-woon Kim / South Korea / 2010 / 143 min

Vision Vision

Naomi Kawase / Japan, France / 2018 / 109 min / English, French, Japanese

In this sensitive film, a woman searches for a rare medicinal herb in the depths of a magical forest only to discover traces of her own past. Director Naomi Kawase casts Juliette Binoche in the starring role.

Videomanija Videomanija

Slovenia / 72 min / Slovene

Videomanija 2015 Videomanija 2015

razno / Slovenia / 75 min / Slovene