The Box Office is open from 12:00 till 20:30 (will open in 06:26).

Čas Čas

Jan Krevatin / Slovenia / 2015 / 6 min / Slovene

Little Women Little Women

Greta Gerwig / USA / 2019 / 135 min / English

Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird) has crafted a Little Women that draws on both the classic novel and the writings of Louisa May Alcott, and unfolds as the author’s alter ego, Jo March, reflects back and forth on her fictional life.

Time to Improvise Čas za improvizacijo

Tina Lešničar, Janez Stucin / Slovenia / 2014 / 82 min / Slovene

It's Not the Time of My Life Ernelláék Farkaséknál

Szabolcs Hajdu / Hungary / 2016 / 81 min / Hungarian

For his intimate examination of the workings of two families compelled to live together in a single household, Hajdu employed no fewer than 13 cinematographers. Best Film Award at Karlovy Vary 2016.

Čas za ubijanje A Time to Kill

Joel Schumacher, USA 1996 / 1996

The Time That Remains The Time That Remains

Elia Suleiman / United Kingdom, Italy, France, Belgium / 2009 / 109 min / English, Arabic, Hebrew

Casablanca Casablanca

Michael Curtiz / 1942 / 102 min / English

Casanova bi storil tako Casanova farebbe cosě!

Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, I 1942 / 1942

Casanovove erotične avanture Casanova & Co.

Francois Legrand (=Franz Antel), A/I/F/ZRN 1978 / 1978

Looper Looper

Rian Johnson / USA, China / 2012 / 119 min / English

Casper Casper

Brad Silberling, USA 1995 / 1995

Quixotic/Honor de Cavelleria Honor de cavalleria

Albert Serra / Spain / 2006 / 110 min

Catherine Chérie Catherine Chérie

Hubert Frank, ZRN/E 1982 / 1982

Cats Cats

Tom Hooper / United Kingdom, USA / 2019 / 109 min / English

If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier

Florin Şerban / Romania / 2010 / 94 min / Romanian

Če mož gospodari Männerwirtschaft

Johannes Meyer, GER 1941 / 1941

Če prometnik se zaljubi Geliebte weiße Maus

Gottfried Kolditz, NDR 1964 / 1964

Če srce spregovori Gitta entdeckt ihr Herz

Carl Froelich, GER 1932 / 1932

Če ti veter vrata zapre Ein Windstoß

Walter Felsenstein, GER 1942 / 1942

Če žene stavkajo… Ehestreik

Georg Jacoby, GER 1935 / 1935