Film archive
Let the Right One In Låt den rätte komma in
Tomas Alfredson / Sweden / 2008 / 114 min / Slovene subtitles, Swedish / 14+
Safe Place Sigurno mjesto
Juraj Lerotić / Croatia, Slovenia / 2022 / 102 min / Croatian
The Croatian director, who also stars in the lead role, based this film on his own traumatic personal experience. Unfolding in a single day, the film focuses on that most pressing issue of all: saving a loved one. Winner of the Ljubljana and Sarajevo Film Festivals and recipient of the Leopard prize for the Best First Feature in Locarno.
Guardians of the Formula Čuvari formule
Dragan Bjelogrlić / Serbia, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro / 2023 / 120 min / Serbian, French
October 1958. The Cold War is at its peak. A group of young Yugoslav scientists are irradiated with a lethal dose of uranium. They are sent to Paris for medical treatment by Professor Mathé at the Curie Institute. Mathé proposes the first-ever human bone marrow transplant. Is this an experiment with living beings or does he truly want to help them?
Vaški demon Menschen in den Bergen / Lidé pod horami (nem. verzija)
Václav Wasserman, CS/GER 1938 / 1938
Steven Spielberg / United Kingdom, Canada, USA / 2016 / 115 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 7+
More Than Honey More Than Honey
Markus Imhoof / Switzerland, Austria, Germany / 2012 / 91 min / Slovene subtitles, English, Swiss German, Mandarin Chinese, German / 14+
Bigger than us Bigger than us
Flore Vasseur / France / 2021 / 96 min / Slovene subtitles, Indonesian, Portuguese, English, Arabic
Only Lovers Left Alive Only Lovers Left Alive
Jim Jarmusch / United Kingdom, Germany, France / 2013 / 123 min