The Box Office is open from 13:45 till 20:30 (open for another 27 minutes, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Import/Export Import/Export

Ulrich Seidl / Austria, Germany, France / 2007 / 135 min / English, German, Russian, Slovak

Uživaj življenje Jerry Living It Up

Norman Taurog, USA 1954 / 1954

V avdijenci pri carju Kaiserwalzer

Friedrich Zelnik, GER 1933 / 1933

V cesarstvu ljubezni Land der Liebe

Reinhold Schünzel, GER 1937 / 1937

A Ciambra A Ciambra

Jonas Carpignano / Italy, Sweden, USA, France / 2017 / 120 min / Italian, Romani, English / 16+

With his film, the result of a long and meticulous observation of a Romani community in Southern Italy, Jonas Carpignano offers a glimpse of a world that is usually closed off to the outside world.

V deželi medvedov V deželi medvedov

Nika Autor / Slovenia / 2012 / 72 min / Slovene, Bosnian / 15+

In the House Dans la maison

François Ozon / France / 2012 / 105 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 15+

In the Game Ich gehe jetzt rein

Aysun Bademsoy / Germany / 2008 / 73 min / German, Turkish

Anna Per amor vostro

Giuseppe M. Gaudino / Italy / 2015 / 110 min

V imenu pravice Gunning for Justice

Ray Taylor, USA 1948 / 1948

V imenu revolucije Imenem revoljucii

Genrih Gabaj, SU 1964 / 1964

In the Basement Im Keller

Ulrich Seidl / Austria / 2014 / 85 min / German

V koloradskih kanjonih Canyon Crossroads

Alfred L. Werker, USA 1955 / 1955

Being Blanche Houellebecq Dans la peau de Blanche Houellebecq

Guillaume Nicloux / France / 2024 / 88 min / French

Michel Houellebecq travels to Guadeloupe to take part in a look-alike contest, whose jury is chaired by Blanche Gardin. But unforeseen events plunge the duo into the heart of a bizarre intrigue… An ironic, wry take on political correctness and present-day taboos.