Film archive
Dirty Diaries Dirty Diaries
Mia Engberg, Ingrid Ryberg, Universal Pussy, Joanna Rytel, Marit Ostberg, Jennifer Rainsford, Elin Magnusson, Sara Kaaman, Ester Martin Bergsmark, Nelli Roselli, Asa Sandzen, Pella Kagerman, Tora Martens, Wolfe Madam / Sweden / 2009 / 90 min
The Art of Negative Thinking Kunsten å tenke negativt
Bård Breien / Norway / 2006 / 79 min / Norwegian
Umirajoča roža - Čudež sv. Terezije La Rose effeuillée (Un miracle de sainte Thérčse de l'enfant Jésus)
Georges Pallu, F 1926 / 1926
Mutiny in Heaven: The Birthday Party Mutiny in Heaven: The Birthday Party
Ian White / Australia / 2023 / 98 min / English
From humble beginnings in suburban Australia, The Birthday Party grew to become one of the most influential acts of their time – commanding a level of respect which remains undiminished to this day. Singer Nick Cave’s incendiary vocals and guitarist Rowland S. Howard’s groundbreaking sonics stunned audiences across the globe. By the time of their inevitable disintegration they’d been labelled the most dangerous band in the world.