Film archive
Silent Light Stellet licht
Carlos Reygadas / Mexico, Netherlands, Germany, France / 2007 / 142 min / English, French, German, Spanish
The Quiet Girl An Cailín Ciúin
Colm Bairéad / Ireland / 2022 / 95 min / Irish Gaelic, English / 13+
A quietly moving and sensitive coming-of-age story exploring issues of family, loneliness and grief through the eyes of its young protagonist. Filmed in the rarely heard Irish language, the film has delighted audiences and critics alike, winning numerous awards, including the Grand Prix in the Generation Kplus section at the Berlinale and an Oscar nomination.
Silent Roar Silent Roar
Johnny Barrington / United Kingdom / 2023 / 90 min / English
This waggishly wacky film, shot in a mystic landscape of a Scottish island and with all the hues of a wavy ocean, is an unusual story about Dondo, a young surfer who is still longing for his missing father.
The Mule The Mule
Clint Eastwood / USA, Canada / 2018 / 116 min / English
Clint Eastwood is ninety year old horticulturalist Earl Stone, who becomes a courier for a notorious Mexican cartel. Inspired by an article in The New York Times, Eastwood returns to the screens for the first time since Gran Torino as both director and actor.
Timbuktu Timbuktu
Abderrahmane Sissako / France, Mauritania / 2014 / 100 min / Slovene subtitles, Arabic, French / 16+
Bringing to attention the tragic plight of people living under the ruthless Jihadist regime in Mali, Timbuktu by Abderrahmane Sissako is as much eye-opening as it is thought-provoking.
The Adventures of Tintin The Adventures of Tintin
Steven Spielberg / USA, New Zealand / 2011 / 107 min / Slovene subtitles, English
Silence 6-9 Isyhia 6-9
Christos Passalis / Greece / 2022 / 81 min / Greek
Aris is in town for a job maintaining the local antennae, which pick up fragmentary messages from people who have vanished, and Anna is hired to double as a melodica-playing man’s disappeared wife. A mysterious, surreal love story set in a retro-futurist parallel reality, saturated with the buzz of sodium streetlights, the hum of antennae, and the chirrup of insects.
The Silence Before Bach Die Stille vor Bach
Pere Portabella / Spain / 2007 / 102 min / German, Spanish
A Thousand Hours of Bitterness for a Single Hour of Joy – Ivan Cankar Tisoč ur bridkosti za eno uro veselja – Ivan Cankar
Dušan Moravec / Slovenia / 2018 / 78 min / 15+