The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (will open in 10:43).

How it grows ... Tako zraste ...

Miha Kalan, Jernej Žmitek / Slovenia / 2019 / 30 min / Slovene / 3+

How it Grows... 2 Tako zraste ... 2

Miha Kalan, Jernej Žmitek / Slovenia / 2022 / 29 min / Slovene / 3+

How it grows is an animated miniseries for toddlers (3+). The episodes portray the life cycles of various animals, from birth to adulthood. Animals have an interesting, unique or unusual life cycle.

Takoj se vrnem! Ich bin gleich wieder da

Peter Paul Brauer, GER 1941 / 1941

Taxi Taxi

Jafar Panahi / Iran / 2015 / 82 min / Persian

Taksi! Taksi! Taxi! Taxi!

Melville Brown, USA 1927 / 1927

She's Funny That Way She's Funny That Way

Peter Bogdanovich / USA / 2014 / 93 min / English

Hostage: Missing Celebrity Injil

Pil Gam-seong / South Korea / 2021 / 94 min / Korean

A remake of the Chinese hit Saving Mr. Wu (Ding Sheng, 2015), starring the acclaimed South Korean actor Hwang Jung-min as himself.

Somewhere Somewhere

Sofia Coppola / USA / 2010 / 98 min / English

Tamara Tamara la complaisante

Felix Gandera, F 1937 / 1937

Tamara Drewe Tamara Drewe

Stephen Frears / United Kingdom / 2010 / 109 min / English

Tango noturno Tango Notturno

Fritz Kirchhoff, GER 1937 / 1937

Tanja Dikaja sobaka Dingo

Julij Karasik, SU 1963 / 1963


Todd Field / USA / 2022 / 158 min / English

Lydia Tár is widely considered one of the greatest living composer-conductors. As the first-ever female musical director of a major German orchestra, she is preparing for her much-anticipated live performance of Mahler’s Fifth, while in New York her book Tár on Tár is about to be launched. But on the eve of the big days ghosts from the past begin to shake her all too perfect career…

Tarantela The Firefly

Robert Z. Leonard, USA 1937 / 1937

Taras Buljba Tarass Boulba

Alexis Granowsky, F/GB 1936 / 1936

Target Mišen

Aleksandr Zeldovič / Russia / 2011 / 158 min

Tartini's Key Tartinijev ključ

Vinci Vogue Anžlovar / Slovenia / 2024 / 115 min / Slovene / 7+

The action takes place in Piran where three children meet by chance. Mario is a local living with his grandmother, Robert, who comes from a family of a lower social status, is in Piran with his friends from his summer camp and Barbara is from a well-situated family but her parents are divorced. A stray text message sent to a wrong (Barbara’s) number sets off a chain of events that take our heroes through exciting adventures by means of various riddles connected to medieval Piran.

Tarzan in amazonke Tarzan and the Amazons

Kurt Neumann, USA 1945 / 1945

Tarzan in deček iz džungle Tarzan and the Jungle Boy

Robert Gordon, Robert Day, USA/CH 1968 / 1968

Tarzan in njegov sin Tarzan Finds a Son!

Richard Thorpe, USA 1939 / 1939

Tarzan in njegova družica Tarzan and His Mate

Cedric Gibbons, USA 1934 / 1934

Tarzan in sirene Tarzan and the Mermaids

Robert Florey, USA 1948 / 1948