The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (open for another 02:22, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

The Glass Rabbit Garasu-no usagi

Shibuichi Setsuko / Japan / 2005 / 86 min / Japanese

Bottlemen Flašaroši

Nemanja Vojinović / Serbia, Slovenia / 2023 / 84 min

This visually stunning observational documentary is a tribute to a lively, important yet invisible community. An ecological western, shot in the former cradle of Neolithic Europe, it holds a mirror to contemporary mass consumer culture.

Stekli psi Cani arrabbiati

Mario Bava / Italy / 1974 / 96 min

Rabies Kalevet

Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado / Israel / 2010 / 90 min / Hebrew

Stella Stella

Sylvie Verheyde / France / 2008 / 103 min / French

The Wall Die Wand

Julian Pölsler / Austria, Germany / 2012 / 108 min

Stena želja Wonderwall

Joe Massot, GB 1968 / 1968

Stereotip Stereotip

Damjan Kozole / Slovenia / 1997

Lunatic Šterkijada

Igor Šterk / Slovenia, Croatia / 2023 / 77 min / Slovene

Steve Jobs Steve Jobs

Danny Boyle / USA / 2015 / 122 min / English

Number 55 Broj 55

Kristijan Milić / Croatia / 2014 / 90 min / Croatian

Stieg Larsson: The Man Who Played with Fire Mannen som lekte med elden

Henrik Georgsson / Sweden / 2018 / 99 min / Swedish

A documentary portrait of the Swedish writer and journalist Stieg Larsson, the author of the Millennium trilogy, dedicated to his life obsession: revealing right-wing extremist movements and their strategies to come to power. World première at the Sundance Film Festival.

Stigmata Stigmata

Rupert Wainwright, USA 1999 / 1999

Stik Contact

Robert Zemeckis, USA 1997 / 1997

Styx Styx

Wolfgang Fischer / Germany, Austria / 2018 / 94 min / English, German

Štiri bela peresa The Four Feathers

Merian C. Cooper, Lothar Mendes, Ernest B. Schoedsack, USA 1929 / 1929

Four Daugthers Les filles d’Olfa

Kaouther Ben Hania / France, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Germany / 2023 / 110 min / English, Arabic, French

Olfa is the mother of four daughters. One day, her two older daughters disappeared to join Islamic extremists. The director replaces them with actors. As the real women confront their traumatic past, the actors face ethical questions about its portrayal. This richly awarded documentary is a slow-burning study of family trauma and an intimate journey full of hope, rebellion, sisterly love and intergenerational transmission of suffering and violence.

Four Nights with Anna Cztery noce z Anna

Jerzy Skolimowski / Poland, France / 2008 / 87 min / Polish

Štiri poroke Barnabé

Alexander Esway, F 1938 / 1938

Štiri sobe Four Rooms

Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, USA 1995 / 1995

Štiri srca Serdca četyrjoh (četyrëh)

Konstantin Konstantinovič Judin, SU 1941 / 1941

Naalu Pennungal Naalu Pennungal

Adoor Gopalakrishnan / 2007 / 105 min / Malayalam

The Four Times Le quattro volte

Michelangelo Frammartino / Italy / 2010 / 88 min