The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (closed for today).

Matter Out of Place Matter Out of Place

Nikolaus Geyrhalter / Austria / 2022 / 100 min

Waste on the shores, waste on the mountains. On ocean floors and deep down in the earth. Matter Out of Place is a film about rubbish, which has spread across the world, to the most remote corners of the planet.

We Are What We Are Somos lo que hay

Jorge Michel Grau / Mexico / 2010 / 90 min

Stinking Heaven Stinking Heaven

Nathan Silver / USA / 2015 / 70 min

Smrt ji lepo pristoji Death Becomes Her

Robert Zemeckis, USA 1992 / 1992

Smrt na cesti Checkpoint

Ralph Thomas, GB 1956 / 1956

One Cut of the Dead Kamera o tomeru na!

Shin'ichirô Ueda / Japan / 2017 / 96 min / Japanese

A comedy horror film proving that even the zombie apocalypse genre can be raised from the dead. A satire of low-budget filmmaking, which gets very complicated when the cast gets drunk, and even more, when they start becoming real zombies themselves.

Death in Sarajevo Smrt u Sarajevu

Danis Tanović / 2016 / 85 min / Bosnian, English, French

Don't Breathe Don't Breathe

Fede Alvarez / USA / 2016 / 88 min / English

Smrti zapisani Baza ludzi umarlych

Czeslaw Petelski, PL 1959 / 1959

Smrtna pentlja Looping the Loop

Arthur Robison, GER 1928 / 1928

Smrtna vožnja podmornice U 777 The Eleventh Hour

Bernard J. Durning, USA 1923 / 1923

Eastern Promises Eastern Promises

David Cronenberg / United Kingdom, Canada, USA / 2007 / 100 min / Russian, English

Smrtni skok Salto Mortale

Ewald André Dupont, GER 1931 / 1931

Death Proof Death Proof

Quentin Tarantino / USA / 2007 / 113 min / English