The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 20:15 (open for another 03:01, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Seks z zvezdami Sex with the Stars

Anwar Kawadri, GB 1980 / 1980

Seksualne dileme For Richer, for Poorer

Gerard Damiano, USA 1979 / 1979

Seksualne fantazije I tvillingernes tegn

Werner Hedmann, DK/S 1975 / 1975

Daydream Hakujitsumu

Tetsuji Takechi / Japan / 1981 / 85 min / English

From the repertoire of the iconic Sloga movie theatre comes one of the darker and more phantasmagorical cult hits directed by the father of the Japanese pink film. But beware: what is a sexual fantasy for some may turn into a nightmare for others …

Selma Selma

Ava DuVernay / USA, United Kingdom / 2014 / 128 min / English

I Am from Titov Veles Jas sum od Titov Veles

Teona Strugar Mitevska / North Macedonia, Slovenia, France, Belgium / 2007 / 102 min / Macedonian

Sembène 100! Sembène 100!

Ousmane Sembène / Senegal / 87 min / French

The Seed of the Sacred Fig Daneh Anjeer Moghadas

Mohammad Rasoulof / Iran, Germany, France / 2024 / 168 min / Slovene subtitles, Persian

Seme v vetru Graine au vent

Maurice Gleize, F 1943 / 1943

Seme zla Devil's Own

Alan J. Pakula, USA 1997 / 1997

Sen kresne noči Ein Sommernachtstraum

Hans Neumann, GER 1925 / 1925

A Midsummer Night's Dream A Midsummer Night's Dream

Max Reinhardt, William Dieterle / USA / 1935

Sen vsakogar Il sogno di tutti

Oreste Biancoli, Ladislao Kish, I 1941 / 1941

Senca Cien

Jerzy Kawalerowicz, PL 1956 / 1956

Senca L'ombra

Mario Almirante, I 1923 / 1923

A History of Violence A History of Violence

David Cronenberg / USA / 2005 / 96 min / English

Senca slave Sjenka slave

Vojislav (Vanja) Bjenjaš, YU 1962 / 1962

Sence zapada Shadows of the West

Ray Taylor, USA 1949 / 1949

Señorita Señorita

Clarence G. Badger / USA / 1927

Sensuela Sensuela

Teuvo Tulio / Finland / 1973 / 109 min / Finnish