Film archive
Romanca konjskega tatu Romance of a Horsethief
Fedor Hanzeković, Abraham Polonsky, USA/F/YU 1971 / 1971
Romance of Astree and Celadon Les amours d'Astrée et de Céladon
Eric Rohmer / France, Italy, Spain / 2007 / 109 min / French
The Girlfriend Experience The Girlfriend Experience
Steven Soderbergh / USA / 2009 / 77 min / English
Ron Dyens: Sacrebleu Productions Presentation Ron Dyens: Predstavitev Sacrebleu Productions
France, Italy, Belgium
Lucy Wanted Lucy ist jetzt Gangster
Till Endemann / Germany / 2023 / 89 min / Slovene subtitles, German / 8+
Happy-go-lucky Lucy (10) has decided to rob a bank.
The Crew Braqueurs
Julien Leclercq / France / 2015 / 81 min / French
A head-on confrontation takes place between Parisian armoured-truck hijackers and a powerful drug gang in The Crew, a fast, daring and uncompromising thriller. Violent retribution will fall on the hijackers’ families if they fail in their task.
Route One/USA Route One/USA
Robert Kramer / USA, France / 1989 / 255 min / English
The film by the independent American film-maker Robert Kramer takes us on a four-hour drive along the famous American highway, from the Canadian border to Key West in southernmost Florida.
Rosa and the Stone Troll Roselil og Stentrolden
Karla Nor Holmbäck / Denmark / 2023 / 75 min / Dubbed / 5+
An adventurous tale about small creatures, great courage and an even bigger friendship.
Pink Moon Pink Moon
Floor van der Meulen / Netherlands, Slovenia / 2022 / 95 min / Dutch
During a family dinner, Jan breaks it to his two grown-up children that he’s had enough of life. In a few months, around his 75th birthday, he wants to die. For Iris, this is completely out of the blue. To her, Jan is a vigorous father, a caring grandfather, and generally a man hale and hearty enough to be part of her life for at least another decade. Or so she thought…