The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 20:40 (will open in 06:21).

Primer inšpektorja Schirding Seilergasse 8

Joachim Kunert, NDR 1960 / 1960

Prince Prins

Sam de Jong / Netherlands / 2015 / 78 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, Dutch

Prince of Broadway Prince of Broadway

Sean Baker / USA / 2008 / 102 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 13+

Princ in kokota Der Prinz und die Tänzerin

Richard Eichberg, GER 1926 / 1926

Princ Ki-Ki-Do Princ Ki-Ki-Do

Grega Mastnak / Slovenia / 2014 / Slovene / 4+

Prince Ki-Ki-Do Princ Ki-Ki-Do, junaški piščanček

Grega Mastnak / Slovenia / 2017 / 38 min / No dialogue / 5+

The woods are in danger! Do not panic, please. Prince Ki-Ki-Do controls the gang!

Princesa Buterfly Großstadtschmetterling (Butterfly)

r: Richard Eichberg, GER/GB 1929 / 1929

The Gay Deception The Gay Deception

William Wyler / USA / 1935

Princesa in njen šofer This Is Heaven

Alfred Santell, USA 1929 / 1929

Princesa iz Odese Mary Lou

Friedrich Zelnik / Germany / 1928

Princesa Lissi Lissi und der wilde Kaiser

Michael Herbig / Germany / 2007 / 85 min / Slovene subtitles, German

Princesa ostrig Austernlilli

E. W. Emo, GER 1937 / 1937

Princesa Tam-Tam Princesse Tam Tam

Edmond T. Gréville, F 1935 / 1935

Princeska kavijar Die Kaviarprinzessin

Karel Lamač, GER 1929 / 1929

The Prince's Voyage Le voyage du prince

Jean-François Laguionie, Xavier Picard / France, Luxembourg / 2019 / 76 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 9+

Princeza koral Die Korallenprinzessin

Victor Janson, GER 1937 / 1937

Go Get Some Rosemary Go Get Some Rosemary

Ben Safdie in Joshua Safdie / USA, France / 2009 / 100 min / English

Tales from the Animal Kingdom Pripovedke iz živalskega kraljestva

razno / various / 2019 / 38 min / No dialogue / 3+

Six short visually diverse tales from the animal kingdom, also for the youngest.

Sex Appeal Sex Appeal

Chuck Vincent / USA / 1986

Priscilla Priscilla

Sofia Coppola / USA, Italy / 2023 / 110 min / English

When the teenage Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley at a party, the man who is already a meteoric rock-and-roll superstar becomes someone entirely unexpected in private moments: a thrilling crush, an ally in loneliness, a vulnerable best friend … Through Priscilla’s eyes, Sofia Coppola tells the unseen side of a great American myth in Elvis and Priscilla’s long courtship and turbulent marriage.

The Immigrant The Immigrant

James Gray / USA / 2013 / 120 min