The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 20:40 (will open in 06:50).

I'm Your Man Ich bin dein Mensch

Maria Schrader / Germany / 2021 / 102 min / German, English

In order to obtain funds for her scientific work, Alma is persuaded to participate in an extraordinary study. For three weeks, she has to live with a robot whose artificial intelligence is designed to be her perfect life partner. And so Alma meets Tom, a machine in human form created solely to make her happy… 

True Grit True Grit

Ethan in Joel Coen / USA / 2010 / 110 min / English

Pravica do umora Double Jeopardy

Bruce Beresford, USA/CND/GER 1999 / 1999

Pravici je zadoščeno La Justice est faite

André Cayatte, F 1951 / 1951

The Empty Room La chambre vide

Jasna Krajinovic / France, Belgium / 2016 / 52 min / French

Prazne sanje Pusti snovi

Soja Jovanović, YU 1968 / 1968

Praznik (Praznični dan) Jour de fête

Jacques Tati / France / 1949

May Labour Day Praznik rada

Pjer Žalica / Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia / 2022 / 113 min / Bosnian

In Pjer Žalica’s drama, the day that should have been a cause for celebration turns into a reopening of old war wounds.

Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder Doktor Proktors prompepulver

Arild Fröhlich / Norway / 2014 / 87 min / Slovene subtitles, Norwegian / 7+

Preboj Crashing Thru

Ray Taylor, USA 1949 / 1949

Prebrisano dekle Devuška s harakterom

Konstantin Konstantinovič Judin, SU 1939 / 1939

Wake in Fright Wake in Fright

Ted Kotcheff / Australia / 1971 / 108 min / English

Along Mad Max, Walkabout and Picnic at Hanging Rock, Wake in Fright is widely acknowledged as one of the seminal films in the development of modern Australian cinema. A long lost and bona fide masterpiece of bizarre and uncomfortable cinema. Forget about Lynch. The most sun scorched cinematic nightmare belongs to Ted Kotcheff.

Prebujena vest The Insider

Michael Mann, USA 1999 / 1999

Prebujene strasti! L'étrange Monsieur Victor

Jean Grémillon / France / 1937

The Awakening The Awakening

Victor Fleming / USA / 1928

Awaking Tamamoe!

Junji Sakamoto / Japan / 2006 / 125 min / Japanese

Crossing Iceland Crossing Iceland

Jure Breceljnik / Slovenia, Iceland / 2016 / 52 min / French, Icelandic

Pred milijon leti One Million Years B.C.

Don Chaffey, GB 1966 / 1966

Before Midnight Before Midnight

Richard Linklater / USA, Greece / 2013 / 109 min

Pred sončnim zahodom Der Herrscher

Veit Harlan, GER 1937 / 1937