The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 20:40 (will open in 22m).

Polkovnik Švec Plukovník Švec

Svatopluk Innemann, CS 1929 / 1929

Midnight in Paris Midnight in Paris

Woody Allen / USA, Spain / 2011 / 94 min

Polnočna čipka Midnight Lace

David Miller, USA 1960 / 1960

Polnočni pevec Le Chanteur de minuit

Léo Joannon, F 1937 / 1937

Polnočni šofer Die Mitternachstaxe

Harry Piel, GER 1929 / 1929

Polovična cena Demi-tarif

Isild Le Besco / France / 2003 / 63 min / French

Half a Confession Han-ochi

Sasabe Kiyoshi / Japan / 2004 / 122 min / Japanese

Child’s Pose Pozitia copilului

Calin Peter Netzer / Romania / 2013 / 112 min

Half-Sister Polsestra

Damjan Kozole / Slovenia, Serbia, North Macedonia / 2019 / 105 min / Slovene

Due to a combination of circumstances, two estranged half-sisters from Izola are forced to live together in a small rented apartment in Ljubljana. English Subtitles

The Snail and the Whale The Snail and the Whale

Max Lang, Daniel Snaddon / United Kingdom, Germany / 2019 / 27 min / Dubbed / 3+

Pomlad Vesna

Grigorij Vasiljevič Aleksandrov, SU 1947 / 1947

Pomlad je prišla Frühlingserwachen

Jacob Fleck, Luise Fleck / Austria / 1924

Pomlad ljubezni Wenn Menschen reif zur Liebe werden

Jacob Fleck, Luise Fleck, GER 1927 / 1927

Pomlad se budi Frühlings Erwachen

Richard Oswald, GER 1929 / 1929

Spring Wind Pomladni veter

Rajko Ranfl / Slovenia / 1974 / 93 min / Slovene

Pomota ing. Kočina Ošibka inženera Kočina

Aleksandr Veniaminovič Mačeret, SU 1939 / 1939

Ponarejeni zlatnik Kalpiki lira

George Tzavellas, GR 1955 / 1955

Ponarejevalec frankov Bibi la Purée

Maurice Champreux, F 1925 / 1925

Wild Heart Ponyherz

Markus Dietrich / Germany, Belgium / 2023 / 93 min / live dubbing, Slovene subtitles, German / 8+

Moving from the city to the countryside, 11-year-old Anni has a tough time settling in – until she encounters Wild Heart, an untamed horse, to whom she feels an almost magical connection. 

Ponižani in razžaljeni Die Verrufenen

Gerhard Lamprecht, GER 1925 / 1925

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

Ana Lily Amirpour / USA / 2014 / 101 min / English, Persian