The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 20:40 (open for another 01:25, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).

Pieta Pieta

Kim Ki-duk / South Korea / 2012 / 104 min / Korean

Pija Tolomejska Pia de Tolomei

Esodo Pratelli, I 1941 / 1941

Life of Pi Life of Pi

Ang Lee / USA / 2012 / 127 min

Spot and Splodge on the Spot Prick och Fläck på pricken

Lotta Geffenblad, Uzi Geffenblad / Sweden / 2011 / 43 min / Dubbed / 3+

Spot and Splodge Plotspotting Prick och Fläck på fläcken

Lotta Geffenblad, Uzi Geffenblad / Sweden / 2013 / 47 min / Dubbed / 3+

Circleen, Coco and the wild rhinoceros Cirkeline, Coco og det vilde næsehorn

Jannik Hastrup / Denmark / 2018 / 64 min / Dubbed / 4+

A film about big and little, the teeny and titanic.

Picnic at Hanging Rock Picnic at Hanging Rock

Peter Weir / Australia / 1975 / 107 min / English

Pilot se vrača Un pilota ritorna

Roberto Rossellini / Italy / 1942

Pina Pina

Wim Wenders / Germany / 2011 / 106 min / English, French, German

Pioneer Heroes Pionery-geroi

Natalija Kudrjašova / Russia / 2015 / 116 min

Pionirji vesolja Samye pervye

Anatolij Granik, SU 1962 / 1962

Piran – Pirano Piran – Pirano

Goran Vojnović / Slovenia / 2010 / 101 min / Slovene, Serbo-Croat

Pirati z Moofleeta Moonfleet

Fritz Lang / USA / 1955 / 87 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 12

Pirati zraka Pirates of the Sky

Charles Andrews, USA 1927 / 1927

Piro Piro Piro Piro

Baek Mi-young, Min Sung-ah / South Korea / 29 min / No dialogue / 3+

A programme of short animated films from South Korea with no dialogues, invite young viewers into a pastel-coloured, poetic and tender world dominated entirely by birds, butterflies, rabbits and flowers.

Pirogov Pirogov

Grigorij Mihajlovič Kozincev / 1946

Piercing Piercing

Nicolas Pesce / USA / 2018 / 81 min / English

Adapting a short story by Ryû Murakami, Nicolas Pesce (The Eyes of My Mother) delivers a delightfully perverse mixture of body horror, psychosexual thriller and black comedy, which also pays homage to the audio-visual landscape of Italian giallo movies of the seventies.

The Ghost Writer The Ghost Writer

Roman Polanski / France, Germany, United Kingdom / 2010 / 128 min / English

The Novelist's Film So-seol-ga-ui yeong-hwa

Hong Sang-soo / South Korea / 2022 / 92 min / Korean

Pichku's Dream Halkaa

Nila Madhab Panda / India / 2018 / 110 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, Hindi, English / 7+

Letters to St. Nicholas Listy do M.

Mitja Okorn / Poland / 2011 / 116 min / Slovene subtitles, Polish / 15+