The Box Office is open from 16:20 till 20:00 (will open in 03:58).

Noč velike ljubezni Die Nacht der großen Liebe

Géza von Bolváry, GER 1933 / 1933

Noč vohunov La Nuit des espions

Robert Hossein, F/I 1959 / 1959

Noči balalajke Nuits de princes

Marcel L'Herbier / France / 1929

Noči gospe Simone La signora della notte

Piero Schiavazappa, I 1985 / 1985

Noči in jutra Noći i jutra

Pjer Majhrovski, YU 1959 / 1959

Noči v pustinji Desert Nights

William Nigh, USA 1929 / 1929

Noči velemesta Großstadtnacht

Fjodor Aleksandrovič Ocep, F/GER 1932 / 1932

Nočna glasba Eine kleine Nachtmusik

Leopold Hainisch, GER 1939 / 1939

The Nightshifter Morto não fala

Dennison Ramalho / Brazil / 2018 / 110 min / Portuguese

A most refreshing and outlandishly morbid Brazilian horror film, The Nightshifter features dark forces, dismembered bodies, bizarre apparitions and infectious paranoia.

Nighthawk Nočna ptica

Špela Čadež / Slovenia / 2016 / 8 min / Slovene

Night Boats Noćni brodovi

Igor Mirković / Croatia, Slovenia / 2012 / 101 min

Night Moves Night Moves

Kelly Reichardt / USA / 2013 / 112 min / English

Nocturnal Animals Nocturnal Animals

Tom Ford / USA / 2016 / 116 min / English

Night Forest Nachtwald

André Hörmann / Germany / 2021 / 92 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, German / 10+

An adventure is in store for Paul and Max this summer. The mountain towering over their village is said to guard a mythical cave. It only reveals itself to the one who overcomes many trials. Venturing into the wilderness alone, the two boys experience undreamt-of freedom and face great dangers.


Night Trip Nočni izlet

Mirko Grobler / Slovenia / 1961 / 91 min / Slovene

Nočni jezdeci Riders of the Dawn

Robert N. Bradbury, USA 1937 / 1937

Nočni pogovori z Mojco Nočni pogovori z Mojco

Vlado Škafar / Slovenia / 2009 / 35 min

Nočni portir Il portiere di notte

Liliana Cavani, I 1974 / 1974

Nocturama Nocturama

Bertrand Bonello / France, Germany, Belgium / 2016 / 130 min

A morning in Paris. Steadfast adolescents, alone or in groups, are moving through the city as if following a carefully devised plan. Towards the end of the day, they meet in a luxury department store, just before it closes. Night begins.

Nočni taksi Taxi di notte

Carmine Gallone, I 1950 / 1950

Nočni viharji Nachtstürme

Hanns Kobe, GER 1923 / 1923

Nočno življenje Nightlife

Louis Lewis, USA 1983 / 1983

Nightlife Nočno življenje

Damjan Kozole / Slovenia / 2016 / 85 min / Slovene

One night in Ljubljana. A high-profile attorney is found naked on a public road, bleeding heavily from multiple dog bites. As doctors fight to keep him alive, his bewildered wife must confront her deepest fears and summon all her cunning to contain potential scandal.

Nocturno Nocturno

Gustav Machatý / Austria / 1935