The Box Office is open from 16:30 till 21:30 (will open in 04:04).

Noč na Donavi Eine Nacht an der Donau

Carl Boese, GER 1935 / 1935

Noč v Casablanci Night in Casablanca

Archie Mayo, USA 1946 / 1946

Noč v hiši moje matere Noć u kući moje majke

Žarko Dragojević / Yugoslavia / 1991

Noč velike ljubezni Die Nacht der großen Liebe

Géza von Bolváry, GER 1933 / 1933

Noč vohunov La Nuit des espions

Robert Hossein, F/I 1959 / 1959

Noči balalajke Nuits de princes

Marcel L'Herbier / France / 1929

Noči gospe Simone La signora della notte

Piero Schiavazappa, I 1985 / 1985

Noči in jutra Noći i jutra

Pjer Majhrovski, YU 1959 / 1959

Noči v pustinji Desert Nights

William Nigh, USA 1929 / 1929

Noči velemesta Großstadtnacht

Fjodor Aleksandrovič Ocep, F/GER 1932 / 1932

Nočna glasba Eine kleine Nachtmusik

Leopold Hainisch, GER 1939 / 1939

The Nightshifter Morto não fala

Dennison Ramalho / Brazil / 2018 / 110 min / Portuguese

A most refreshing and outlandishly morbid Brazilian horror film, The Nightshifter features dark forces, dismembered bodies, bizarre apparitions and infectious paranoia.

Nighthawk Nočna ptica

Špela Čadež / Slovenia / 2016 / 8 min / Slovene

Night Boats Noćni brodovi

Igor Mirković / Croatia, Slovenia / 2012 / 101 min

Night Moves Night Moves

Kelly Reichardt / USA / 2013 / 112 min / English

Nocturnal Animals Nocturnal Animals

Tom Ford / USA / 2016 / 116 min / English

Night Forest Nachtwald

André Hörmann / Germany / 2021 / 92 min / Slovene subtitles, English Subtitles, German / 10+

An adventure is in store for Paul and Max this summer. The mountain towering over their village is said to guard a mythical cave. It only reveals itself to the one who overcomes many trials. Venturing into the wilderness alone, the two boys experience undreamt-of freedom and face great dangers.


Night Trip Nočni izlet

Mirko Grobler / Slovenia / 1961 / 91 min / Slovene

Nočni jezdeci Riders of the Dawn

Robert N. Bradbury, USA 1937 / 1937

Nočni pogovori z Mojco Nočni pogovori z Mojco

Vlado Škafar / Slovenia / 2009 / 35 min

Nočni portir Il portiere di notte

Liliana Cavani, I 1974 / 1974

Nocturama Nocturama

Bertrand Bonello / France, Germany, Belgium / 2016 / 130 min

A morning in Paris. Steadfast adolescents, alone or in groups, are moving through the city as if following a carefully devised plan. Towards the end of the day, they meet in a luxury department store, just before it closes. Night begins.

Nočni taksi Taxi di notte

Carmine Gallone, I 1950 / 1950