The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (will open in 26m).

Belle & Sebastian Belle et Sébastien

Nicolas Vanier / France / 2013 / 104 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 9+

Belle and Sebastian, Friends for Life Belle et Sébastien 3, le dernier chapitre

Clovis Cornillac / France / 2017 / 90 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 9+

In the final chapter of the trilogy, Sebastien will try anything to protect Belle from her previous owner.

Belle & Sebastian: The Adventure Continues Belle et Sébastien, l'aventure continue

Christian Duguay / France / 2015 / 97 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 8+

Bela košuta Valkoinen peura

Erik Blomberg, FIN 1952 / 1952

The White Rose The White Rose

D.W. Griffith / USA / 1923

Bela sestra The White Sister

Henry King, USA 1923 / 1923

Bela strela Burn 'em Up O'Connor

Edward Sedgwick, USA 1939 / 1939

The White Slave L'Esclave blanche

Augusto Genina / France / 1927

Pasha's Wives L'Esclave blanche

Marc Sorkin / France / 1939

Bela umetnost Die weiße Kunst

Arnold Fanck (uncredited) / Germany / 1924

White Palms Fehér tenyér

Szabolcs Hajdu / Hungary / 2006 / 97 min / English, Hungarian, Russian

Bele peščine White Sands

Roger Donaldson, USA 1992 / 1992

Belfast Belfast

Kenneth Branagh / United Kingdom / 2021 / 98 min

Set during the tumult of the late 1960s, this is Kenneth Branagh’s humorous, tender and deeply personal memory of the city of his birth. “To those who stayed, those who left, and those who were lost.” The Oscar for Best Original Screenplay and the BAFTA for Outstanding British Film.

Beli Azijat Chinatown Nights

William A. Wellman, USA 1929 / 1929

White God Fehér isten

Kornél Mundruczó / Hungary / 2014 / 121 min / Hungarian

On with the Motley Amleto e il suo clown

Carmine Gallone / Italy / 1920

Beli kvartet Four Girls in White

S. Sylvan Simon, USA 1939 / 1939

White Hell of Pitz Palu Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü

Arnold Fanck, Georg Wilhelm Pabst / Germany / 1929

The White Planet La planète blanche

Jean Lemire, Thierry Piantanida in Thierry Ragobert / France, Canada / 2006 / 86 min / Slovene subtitles, French / 8+

White Tuft, the Little Beaver Mèche blanche: Les aventures du petit castor

Philippe Calderon / France / 2008 / 77 min / Dubbed / 5+

She's a Sheik She's a Sheik

Clarence G. Badger / USA / 1927

Beli se osamljeno jadro Beleet parus odinokij

Vladimir Grigorjevič Legošin, SU 1937 / 1937

Beli sen Der weiße Traum

Géza von Cziffra, GER 1943 / 1943

Beli sovragi Foreign Devils

W. S. Van Dyke / 1927

Beli strup (Beli demon) Der weiße Dämon

Kurt Gerron, GER 1932 / 1932