Film archive
Another Round Druk
Thomas Vinterberg / Denmark / 2020 / 116 min / Danish
Martin and three of his friends, all weary high school teachers, embark on an experiment to maintain a constant level of intoxication throughout the workday. If Churchill won WW2 in a heavy daze of alcohol, who knows what a few drops might do for them and their students?
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Troy Nixey / USA, Mexico, Australia / 2010 / 99 min / English
My Last Year as a Loser Ne bom več luzerka
Urša Menart / Slovenia / 2018 / 88 min / Slovene / 15+
When a twenty-nine year-old art history graduate finds herself living on her parents’ sofa, penniless, jobless and without friends, she comes to the realisation that growing up is harder than she had expected.
Quit Staring at My Plate Ne gledaj mi u pijat
Hana Jušić / Croatia / 2016 / 105 min / Croatian
The attention-grabbing Croatian drama, feature-film debut by Hana Jušić, spotlights a young girl taking charge as the head of her family.
Don't Think It Will Ever Pass Ne misli, da bo kdaj mimo
Tomaž Grom / Slovenia / 2023 / 75 min / No dialogue
This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection
Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese / South Africa, Italy / 2019 / 120 min
In the mountains of Lesotho, an 80-year-old widow is preparing to wind up her earthly journey by arranging her own funeral. But when the government announces plans to resettle her village to make way for a new reservoir, her renewed will to live ignites a spark of resistance in her community.
Don’t Forget to Breathe Ne pozabi dihati
Martin Turk / Slovenia / 2019 / 98 min / Slovene / 13+
Everything changes for a 15-year old Klemen, when his older brother Peter, he is very attached to, falls in love with beautiful Sonja.
Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World Nu aștepta prea mult de la sfârșitul lumii
Radu Jude / Romania, Luxembourg, France, Croatia / 2023 / 163 min / Romanian, English
Yet another acutely topical provocation from the notable Romanian director, an unfiltered social critique of the vices of the zeitgeist, displaying indelicate wit and blatant bad manners.
Leave No Traces Żeby nie było śladów
Jan P. Matuszyński / Poland, France, Czech Republic / 2021 / 160 min / Polish
A true story about police violence in communist Poland becomes the substance for a gloomy and suspense-ridden drama inspired by the political thrillers of new Hollywood.
Leave No Trace Leave No Trace
Debra Granik / USA / 2018 / 109 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 14+
Let film take you to new beginnings!
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot
Gus Van Sant / USA / 2018 / 113 min / English
Based on the biography of cult American caricaturist John Calahan, director Gus Van Sant produces a warn and whimsical film about the healing power of art.